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Importance of Asset: You've Got? If Not, What Have it?

Importance of Asset: You've Got? If Not, What Have it?

First, the time is still not yet learned how to become rich, I thought like most people: working to get money. Until then been stranded as a field worker in Jakarta. It feels heavy and hard life at that time.
Luckily I still have big dreams. From the study I know that to become wealthy, we need to have assets. If people get the most from the new work of money to finance his life, instead of the rich have assets that then make money constantly.
Miraculous! The Internet has made my life changed. Now in addition to the spread of virtual assets and high value assets, I also developed in the offline world in the form of property, land, and others.Why have assets?
Said Robert Kiyosaki in Rich Dad, Poor Dad, an asset is something that produces revenue. So, if you have, like a house that you live for example does not provide income for you, mean it is not an asset.
To prosper, you need to have an asset because:

* Asset to your sponsor. You get rich by accumulating assets that generate. Because these assets that will work for you. So that these assets that finance your next life.
* Many sources of income. With have many and varied assets, meaning you have a diverse source of income that is ready to finance your life. Of the revenues generated your assets are, must be greater than your expenses.
* Asset continue working. No matter whether you're sick or lazy, the assets will continue to work for you. Conversely, if you work to earn money, then so sick means your income stops. True right?
Asset Type: Online and Offline
For me, an asset that is two assets online and offline assets.
Online assets are assets that are on the internet. Whether in the form of blogs, websites, contacts data, software support, and everything related to internet
Offline offline assets in the form of assets such as property, land, and others that generate revenue.How to acquire the asset?
To have an asset, you must make an investment.
So often I have stressed to conduct investment business. Therefore the best way to live in prosperity.
Process more complicated when described as shown below.

 Investments make your own assets. Assets that are then assigned to replace you to generate revenue.
The challenge then is how to build your assets every day. Until that growing your assets and bring in revenue, the better.
Therefore I also launched a virtual asset. It's fast easy way for you to have online assets that generate revenue for you.
Greetings ACTION!

Invest for your Business

investment in online business, investing is absolutely legal. Without investment, you are difficult to be able to start doing business. For preparation and your equipment is not sufficient to jump on the online business.Investment here could be money, time, and energy.
Time? Obviously your time investment. Any minimum time that you spend, in business, investment in time would always be there. If it's an investment over time, the investment staff also came out. Because at least you invest the energy to think about it your business. Correct?
Well now the investment in the form of money / funds. This is probably avoided a lot of people. The reason may be because the funds that come out are not counted as a form of investment, but expenditure.
Though much different between the two. Expenditure means something that does not need to expected returns. Medium, calculated investment return on his investment, up to then achieve a profit, profit again, and so on until the business carried on growing bigger.
In business online, there is a tendency to regard this business as a business for free. That is absolutely not out of money. In fact, his business, both online and offline, zero investment dollars did not exist. At least you can do is try to minimize it. But if at all free, I say no.Why not free?
Because if the economy threaten online free itself. Online economy can be paralyzed in the absence of a rotating flow of money. Google, Yahoo and other online companies could be out of business if its cash flow loss.
Shadow easily if imagined in the offline world: if there is no turnover of around us, which is roughly what would happen? People do not buy, not sell products from companies, countries do not receive acceptance of its citizens, the state does not pay its employees salaries, and so on. In short, the economy stagnant. All paralyzed and conditions endanger all parties.
So, essentially the money must be spinning. And investment is one of the wisest ways to spend our money.
Even more dangerous, a kind of mental games that can really hamper your business. It would be very different that you feel when you make an investment and not business. If you invest, you will spirit to ACTION and develop your business. You will be more motivated and genuinely care about your business. If it is not an investment, you will not be seriously handle and passing.

It's to do with the mental. And in business, it is vital mental.
For those who do not know what investment is needed in online business, you can see it in Mr. Action Club. At the club's first online business in Indonesia, I describe the primary and secondary equipment required for doing business online. Primary equipment such as work space and computer needs. Meanwhile, secondary equipment includes printers, flash, and other equipment is needed but can still be postponed ownership.
Also, you need to have software support, as well as funds for hosting, buy domain, autoresponder, and others.Up to here, so understand it why it is very necessary investment in the business?
For if no investment, online business you do not run immediately because hampered lack adequate equipment. You not only did not immediately make money from the internet, but also do not feel the pleasure of doing business online fast. Enough in front of the computer, you can bring the money from all over the world. :)
Last message me,

from that investment, little by little results you get then, do not forget to re-invest the profit that you get to expand your online business.
Greetings ACTION!

Here are 10 Ideas Web Site and Blog Producing Money

Here are 10 ideas website and blog uangBingung producing what would make online business? Do not be confused anymore. Below I describe the various types of web sites you can create to make money.
But before you disconnect would make what type of web site, you need to understand every website actually have the potential for success. What are you doing with your website and how to promote it. If you can bring the creative needs of visitors in the website, it is not difficult to make any website into a success.
Basic things you need to have is a willingness to invest time, effort, and money to develop your web site. Always optimistic, with every step you take. You necessary have the mindset of internet business.
Well without the need for long, this is the fresh ideas that you can use to create a web site or blog.

1. Blog fan of a product. Make a blog about a product that people liked. And as much as possible the specific product. For example, you can create a blog about Nokia. Many phone users worldwide. They definitely need information about the product. With so highly traffic blog, you can jump quickly. Importantly, you diligently to update the information or news.
2. Website introduction. Humans are social beings. Like conversations or contacts with other people. Take advantage of this human nature. You can create a website about the introduction. Examples already experienced success with Markus Frind of Plenty of Fish. Website owned by a young man from Vancouver has 500 million monthly page views and generate $ 10,000 per day from Adsense.
3. Blog reviews affiliate program. In this world so many affiliate programs. You can take advantage of with a review of each affiliate. Blog this type are very likely to succeed. Because as we know affiliate programs online business model is the most profitable. So definitely a lot ogled by men. Importantly, you always routine to update it. If already created, do not forget to also review www.ibe-tech.co.cc
4. Web site affiliate products. If the type is, you create a web site that sells your product. In this type of website, sales letter plays an important role. Therefore you need to look at 5 important element of a sales letter sales letter that you can make anaesthetize visitors.
5. Paid membership web site. The website contains topics of this type usually are very special people. For example on how to make money on the internet, how to live successfully, and others. Any person who intends to join you can pull the registration fee. It could be a monthly fee or they may just pay once for life.
6. Forum or social network. You can create a forum that includes topics of interest to many people. It takes a little hard work to develop it. Because the life-death depending on the community. So you must continually develop a community forum. As I have been successful in building a community at your blog.
7. Online web tool. If this form of online tools such as URL, spelling checker, dictionary, image, file converter, and so forth. Benefits, the ability is good, visitors will not shrink repeatedly come take advantage of your website.
8. Buying and selling websites. Like the E-bay is a big success, you can follow it. You can create a website where people can purchase each other. Apart from advertising, income can be from a commission for each sale.
9. Game web site. World of play is not just a monopoly of small children. Everyone loves to play. You can take advantage of basic human nature to create an online gaming website. In addition to the cost of membership, you can also get money from advertising.
10. The website hosting the file. You can create a website hosting the file that makes the wearer can upload files to share with others. Originally capabilities not disappointing, certainly many people who will use your web site.
Which types of web sites and blogs which you can try to make? They can match you with your own. To be sure, more innovative and meet the needs of users, then your website will be selling well filled with visitors.
If you find out of which 10 is the most potential? Or maybe you have other ideas?

Combines Blog and Page up to Promote your Online Business

facebookSudah blog post I ever read titled Integrating Marketing Techniques Soft and Hard Selling Selling is not it? There I mentioned that to your online business needs to implement these two marketing techniques.
Hard sell to sell directly and applied in your web sales. Medium soft sell sell "fine" and run through your blog.
But time was up yet as famous as now, although the trend continues to climb. Up on facebook eventually become the most visited website in the country and I signed up.
The question that comes to mind I believe you, how to run the marketing in facebook?
To answer the above questions I have explained on a post about facebook marketing. Please you read back.
I will discuss here is how to combine the page on facebook with your blog. So that both can be a sweet combination as part of your online business marketing strategy.
First thing to remember is that both are soft selling. Form way of online promotion conducted subtle or not directly. Therefore do not do reckless promotion in both media.
The answer is like when you watch the ads on television. Every time a commercial break came, at the same instant you push the remote control. Because the ads on television is hard selling and most people who are on facebook or visit a blog "relative" of such anti-ad.
In the blog that they are looking for is information. On facebook they are looking for first is to get in touch with his friends. From there they want to know what the latest news from their friends. New second is to be able to find information or connect to centers of information indeed fit their interests.
The second principle is the second such media works to increase the relationship even closer to the customers or potential customers you.
Because the phenomenon of marketing on the Internet is growing at this time using the concepts get, keep, sell. You get (get) the prospective customer, then you keep (keep) them, and only while that you are doing promotion (sell).
Back to the question of how to combine the two to support your online business?
Some do like this;

* You need to create a group or page. If it is for business purposes, I suggest you better make a facebook page.
* Insert a blog feed. There are several ways to enter it into the notebook pages like facebook or using certain applications.
* Frequently updated page according to your business niche. If the facebook jokosusilo you will find at least three new updates every day. You've joined?
* In addition to the page, of course update the blog you should not leave. Due to limited space on facebook, you can use blogs to write posts that are longer and deeper.
It was tips. Still there are actually tips and online business strategy is a combination of both social media. But as a prefix to the tips and strategies I gave at the combine is sufficient for the blog and page on facebook as a supporter of your online business.


5 Strategies up Marketing for Rich from Internet Business

5 Strategies up Marketing for KayaAdriant Siregar on page fans up JokoSusilo.com asked "Can you give tips ga 'pack how to develop business on facebook??"
Well now is the time I lay out strategies for effective up marketing so you can get rich from the internet business. For those of you who are ready, please read, absorb, and the ACTION facebook marketing strategy following.

1. Recognize Facebook Lexicon. This keyword research tool on facebook. Facebook Lexicon count the number of emergence of words and phrases in the wall from time to time. Screenshot as you can see how the statistical occurrence of the keyword happy birthday in facebook.5 up Marketing Strategies for Business Rich from the Internet 1
By knowing the key words that often appear, you can use the keyword or keywords for your Internet business interests on Facebook.
2. Create a group or fan page. This one may have often I have said repeatedly. You need to have a group or fan page for your Internet business.
For instance, there are several groups and fan pages on facebook business formula. As Mas Chris with a group of Formula Business and Mr. Tarik Boedy with Formula Business Group.
Actually, again, group or fan page made is not necessarily associated with the word "Formula Business" can in other words, such as the Internet Business Group which was established Mas Alhijr Adwitiya.
3. Understand the order of search results on Facebook. Currently on Facebook, and you enter a word in the search box or search results will appear next. Well, usually appearing at the top of the page, the last group, the new application, and which itself is the most recent posts from your friends.
Therefore, before I strongly emphasize that you have a page or group on Facebook. However, after made not abandoned. Besides you continue to invite people to join the group / page that you created, also the contents of the group / page. Rawat group / page because it includes your assets.
4. Share your link. Can be a reseller or affiliate link or link to your blog.
5. Do branding as well. You must clearly as anyone on Facebook. What do you convey in accordance with the branding that you want to wake up. Maybe in the next few posts I will peel more in a matter of doing branding on Facebook. Anyone interested in these themes? If anyone is interested, write in the comments section. If you have other suggestions please submit via comment.
Greetings ACTION!


How to Test the Effectiveness of Your Web Pages to Deliver Sales doubled

You already have a website? You already have a product being marketed? And you are ready to launch promotions via the Internet as taught in 3 SMUO powerful jutsu.
Moment ... It's good you see the first page of your website before beginning the campaign. This is part of an effort for a good conversion of your website.
How do I? Consider the following steps ...
The way you have to do the following did not take long. You only need a few moments and to do this and you need the help of others. Why?
In order to obtain a more objective view. Because, especially if you own a web design site, and you are doing the testing, it would be difficult to get an objective view on the web that is ready to be promoted.The key lies in the MWR web conversion
Yes. By understanding what is a Most Wanted Response (MWR) website, you'll know what to do. For those of you who do not know what the MWR or want to learn more please review the return SMUO Formulabisnis.
These checks are very important especially for a website that was created as a business website. Because of the web to be effective, good sales or smooth your online business started.
Here I teach how to quickly test your web pages. To do this you need assistance from others. Can a friend, colleague, or anyone who can you turn to for help. Better yet, if you turn to for help more than one person and is consistent with the target market you want. That is, if your online business is selling airline tickets for example, is very good if people are indeed people who have the need to fly or is often buy a plane ticket.
If you have found those people, then you need to explain to them that their task is to find something that relates to "airline tickets".
Then please go to the website you have created. Show them in eight seconds and ask them to remember what is in your website.
After eight seconds, put the cap back to your website. Then ask them to write down anything they remember from your website. As a guide, you can ask the list the following questions:

* Ask what they see first?
* What they remember most from your website?
* What they see on the web?
* What they need is found in these web pages?
* How you their opinions on the web?
When the results were what they need is found in the web means that the effectiveness of your website is quite good. And if they need it is the first time they see and is the most they remember, that means your website VERY GOOD.
But if they're looking for is not found, or if they are found but can not remember it means you need to fix re-design your website. Then please do the testing again.
Simple right?
How? Ready to test your website?


Which is More Important: Content or Design?

Not a few newbies when they wanted to create a website or blog is usually focused on design matters. Design a major concern which then defeated another concern.
I agree that design could help to better tersampaikannya message to visitors. But at the beginning of web design is far more important things to note are about your goal: to what you create the web?
To make money from the internet, or to make your name better known to many people, or perhaps for the promotion of products on the internet. Whatever your goal, remember well these goals. Because for that you create a website or blog.

A clear purpose helps you focus.
It is important how the link between the objectives of your website with the benefit that you can give to visitors through your content. How do you explain in simple and easy to understand their services or products you offer. How is your item can lure visitors and they do what you want.
Now back to the earlier design. If you ask about why someone comes to your website or blog? Is it because your blog or web design good?
I do not think so. Visitors come to your website because the search for solutions to problems that it faces. They came because he needed to find the product. Or they could also come to your website to get the latest news. When viewed, all the above in no way associated with the design, but content.
So if most visitors are looking for information, why we are too fixated on the matter of design?
If you are just fixated on the design and even forget about the content, your web difficult to achieve its objectives. Content needs to get major attention. Next follow with a design for your content look more attractive.
The exception of course if your blog or website associated with the design world, such as for example a web design or graphic design. Of course design matters can not be underestimated. For those who come will want to see your design work. However, once again the design can not stand alone. You need the words to explain your design concept.
Here I do not think the design is not important. Design is also important because it can add charm to your web. Design can also make your brand rise.
It's just that you should put something appropriate portions. If you devote excessive attention on the design and forget the content at the beginning of building the web, web worried you do not immediately reach the initial target (in this formulabisnis I call the stage of making the momentum of traffic) because the energy was already exhausted to think about design. If it were so, it is definitely hard to achieve the purpose of making a web.
Remember also, Google made a search of pay per click ads based on the content of a web and not design. Because Google conscious visitors use the Internet to find information.
Hopefully useful. Keep the spirit and greeting ACTION!


Applying Blue Ocean Strategy in SEO

 You've read the book Blue Ocean Strategy W. Chan Kim's writings and Renée Mauborgne? Mentioned in the book is that the only way to beat the competition is to STOP trying to beat the competition.
In this post, we will squawk how to implement the strategy Blue Ocean Strategy in search engine optimization (SEO). So your blog or website you could be in the top search engines without much effort.
Let's look ...
Earlier, I'll explain a little about the contents of the book Blue Ocean Strategy. In the book there are two terms are often used, namely red ocean and blue ocean. Red Ocean shows the "known market space." While the blue ocean are "market space that has not known or may have never touched."
Examples in the book is Cirque du Soleil, a circus group that is able to prosper and reap huge profits, while others apparently circus group is experiencing decline in the number of viewers who have an impact on lower income / profit.
What's the secret? Circus group is capable of creating new market space. Not with the target market of children like most circus group, but embrace new audiences of adults and corporate customers.
Core Blue Ocean Strategy is to create a market space that do not have competitors; make the competition irrelevant; create and capture new demand; and pursue differentiation and low cost.
Then do with SEO?
Using the Blue Ocean Strategy means you do not have to go along to compete at a high competitive level keywords. Rather than trying to compete at a high competitive level keywords, which certainly will take a lot of energy and cost, why not create your own keyword. Because it will be easier for your blog or website you become a leader in the pages of search engines.
So, your focus is to create keywords and popularized it.
For example, when I used to pioneer FormulaBisnis.com. At that time absolutely no one typing these words on search engines. But now conditions are much different. The same when I launched RahasiaBlogging.com. Direct the user keyword Blogging Secret surged rapidly. :-)
The advantage of using the Blue Ocean Strategy is your big chance to dominate search engines with keywords you made. The result is as enjoyable Mas Sumartono by creating keyword "copyright business opportunities." Additional advantages, will be a lot that helped popularize the word, strengthen your differentiation and low cost.
In a blue ocean strategy, war becomes no longer relevant keywords. In principle, rather than join the "flow", it's better to make "flow" of your own.
Then how to create keyword-based blue ocean strategy?
The first way is to capture the aspirations of the visitors of your blog. Suppose this. You ask your visitors what ordinary words diketikkannya on search engines, but never found a satisfactory search results. Then make a word that describes them as keywords in your posts. Thus, at least you've helped the visitor to more easily find what they need on the internet.
The second way is to dig their own. Able to flip through the dictionary to find unique words. Or search for a word that fits for combined-matching. Examples like the word "shaman blogger" on the post Mas Heng.
So the conclusion:
Create keyword pioneer and popularized. The case then another shot a lot of the same keywords, just relax. Because some extent they have helped popularize your keywords. And you still can create new keywords follows.
Blue Ocean Strategy in SEO has a goal to surpass the competition, expansion (expansion), keywords, and improve the creation of new keywords.
So, creating "blue oceans" your keywords.
Greetings ACTION!

Basic SEO for Blogs that Compulsory You Know (Part 2)

Continuing the previous post, this time we will discuss the basic SEO tips other. Earlier I mentioned that the placement of keywords (keyword) in the post is very important to support the position of your blog on search engines. Beyond that, there are many SEO tips Another useful basis to support the position of your blog.
Please direct listened to it ...
The first is the importance of manufacturing in the blog category. The existence of the category it easier for visitors and search engine robots to determine the structure of the content of your blog. Therefore, it has a very important category in the blog. Selection of a category name would not be indiscriminate. In addition associated with the concept of your blog content, the name of the selected category should indeed is the keyword so it would support your SEO activities.
For those of you who are just starting a blog, you should also not be too eager to choose keywords that are very high competitive level. Choose keywords that are competitive only mediocre and make it as a category name. But keep in mind still must relate to the concept of your blog content.
In addition, other SEO tips every post you are connecting with previous postings. The links are also checked for search engine spiders. The point is, never let any of your posts alone alias not have links to your post earlier.
In a blog platform like Wordpress which I recommend in the Secret Blogging, can also use the plugin related post. Your plugin will help bring up related posts at the end of the posting. For example, as at the end of this post, you will find other posts relating to this post.
Naming the title of the blog page (not the post title) is also very important in SEO. Usually, the title of the blog pages containing the main keywords that you aim at and often describes overview the entire contents of your blog. To change the title page, there are plenty of WordPress plugins that can help. One of the most popular is the SEO Title Tag.
Oh yes, you can also take advantage of a web analysis program. Point so that you know anyone who commits a link to your blog, post what they link out, and what keywords they used to be able to come to your blog.
In WordPress, they are more easily because it can directly be seen in statistics. But for those of you who use blogger need not worry, you can use Google Analytics. Just shortcomings sometimes make the access time to open your blog to be rather slow. Guide to use Google Analytics, can be read at the Blog Business Online Zam-Sy.
Other basic SEO tips? Consider also said jutawancerdas.
However, once again, the important focus on your visitors first. Because they are so enamored with your blog content, so they will immediately come without the need for this way of search engines.
How do you comment? Please pour in here and let's discuss ...


Who Want to Become an Internet Millionaire, This 3 secret!

Internet millionaire Does anyone doubt the internet can be a millionaire?
If you include people who are unsure or doubt if you could be a millionaire internet, you must read this post. I'll show you the secrets of internet millionaires.
Read carefully, understand, and immediately ACTION, you certainly will soon become a new Internet millionaire in Indonesia.
Secret 1: Apply 3 steps SMUOThree steps are taught Business Formula is the essence of internet business. When you already know, the three basic steps of this Internet business, any internet business which will you have developed will become easier.
Secret 2: Starting from a small targetA little story, before becoming a millionaire internet, I started first with Internet millionaires.
I get results from hundreds to millions of numbers. Yes, when beginning an Internet business Business Formula I became an instant Internet millionaire.
Preparation for a few months of an exhausting, accompanied by previous learning that actually takes thought and effort, paid off already. Money continues to pour my account flooded.
What I see on the internet before actually happened to me. "Wow it's amazing!" Salaries previous time I worked for a month, can be exceeded only in a day of internet business. Since then and following days I became a millionaire internet.
And not only me, many other members follow. As Mr. Toha Nasrudin who also started from Internet millionaires until eventually generate billions of money.
As mentioned in the Formula Business, the internet millionaires who are also born as Zemmy Eka Mas Septino, David Son Mas, Mas Dadang Rosidin, Mas Ganda Saputra, Mas Badrudin, Mas Irwan Santika, and many others.
In essence, you can start small income from the target, and then grow tall. If you think, number one million of the internet is still too high, you can lower the income figures with hundreds of thousands per month. If this month has been reached, you can level up to the range of millions of dollars.

Before running, you need to learn to walk. And before running, you need to learn to crawl.
Secret 3: Diligent and hard workIn the past, while still in college, I often read motivational books. I've also joined MLM. From there I was taught to have big dreams. Have a luxury home, luxury cars, abundant asset, and so forth.
But not only that, I was taught to want to be diligent and willing to work hard. Sadness feels that time if remember how the response of people around me about my plans to sell information via the Internet.
But I'm not the mushy type of person who will resign just because of the lack of support. I imagine myself to burn bridges behind me so there's no way to retreat. That there is progress and success!
Motivational words that I often post on Facebook Joko Susilo might have thought worthless. But honestly, first time, when I was still learning the internet business, while experiencing a deep sense of frustration to make money from the internet, motivational words that are re-kindle my passion for the internet business ACTION.
Three of this secret that makes anyone capable of producing millions of money from the internet. Absolutely nothing is impossible for you to be a millionaire or even billionaire internet.
Everything is very possible for people who want ACTION. Delete the word "surrender" from now on in your life dictionary. Nothing is impossible. Nothing is impossible.
Now you know the secrets of internet millionaires. Furthermore, what would you do with your knowledge of it?
Let's start an Internet business ACTION! 


Basic SEO for Blogs that Compulsory You Know (Part 1)

Application of search engine optimization (SEO) to blog a bit different with the web site. The reason is, we must adjust to the character blog that does have some differences with the web site. That's why I suguhkan this article for you the owner of the blog.
What I say in here is a basic SEO that you should apply for your blog. More in-depth techniques on SEO for blogs, I described in full in Formula Secret Blogging. By doing basic SEO techniques is also quite helpful to the development of your blog.
All right, let's start it ...
Previously, I first explain about some of the main character blogs.

* Diligently updated. Any blog should be diligent in updating. Visitors and search engines prefer to blogs that diligently updated.
* Interactivity. Communication takes place via an interactive blog between you and your blog visitors. The existence of the comment box, feed reader, RSS, and many other facilities facilitate smooth fabric of this interactivity.
Well, for that you need to first understand the two main characters earlier. Understanding these two characters did and pursue all elements of your blog can fulfill it could improve the progress of your blog.
Later in SEO, one thing to note is the placement of keywords (keywords). In the post, make sure there are keywords in the title. Besides the title, place the keywords as well in some parts of the early paragraphs. For example please read again the beginning of this blog. Guess what keywords I use for this post and how many times have emerged? :-)
However, even if you enter a keyword, make sure your writing will not be awkward, but still enjoyable. Never being too SEO-minded, then sacrifice the comfort of visitors reading your blog content. If it until reading your visitors feel weird with the structure of the sentence and may be very uncomfortable to enjoy it, you hope to increase the traffic it can bear fruit otherwise.
What is important, prioritizing the visitor first. Each writing content aimed always for your visitors and not for search engine robots. Because if your visitors like your writing, they will immediately come without a through search engines. Very likely they will also link the link to your blog. And it really helps the development of your blog. Of this I have also discussed with Mas Arief Madhysta on his blog.
Well, the discussion of basic SEO for blogs, I continued in next post. Do you have an opinion? I look forward to your comments ...


Here are 10 Types Online Jobs are Worth your field

You feel makes the product information is not easy? In addition take a long time, your reasons may be because you do not feel talented writing. Moreover, if the shadow of fear behavior whether or not you create information products. Sure it feels will be more severe again.
But you need not worry. There are many other job options that can do on the internet. Here are 10 kinds of online jobs that you deserve lyrics and field.

1. Services to create a blog and website. You can offer your abilities to create a blog and website on the company, institution, or organization. Just look around you, there may be a new office to open. You can try to approach and offer your expertise. For example, as already done Mr Mung with blog creation services.
2. Consultant blog. The main task of giving good advice to clients who already have a blog or not. How does the concept of blogs, like what brand is suitable for the blog, how blogging strategy, and so on. But to succeed as a consultant, you need to build a reputation first. In order for potential clients, do not hesitate to ask your advice. For those interested in this profession, Secret Blogging Formula should be used as a guide. Heng Diamond reportedly already undergone this profession. Heng Sure ya Mas? :-)
3. SEO Consultants. As the Internet increasingly congested with the abundance of web sites, in order to become number one on the front page of search engines, search engine optimization (SEO) is important. You can offer your expertise by becoming a consultant SEO SEO. Examples such as that done spiderwebiz.
4. Being a web designer. Usually, web designing jobs directly involved in website creation services. But if you feel they have special expertise in this field, you can offer it separately. Perhaps there are clients who need to enhance your web design course. Or it could be the service providers web site development web designers need a special medium. All you have to prepare is a portfolio web site design you made.
5. Web developers and programmers. Just as a web designer, if you do have special skills to web development and programming, you can offer that expertise online.
6. Illustrator and graphic designer. Both jobs are in fact each can be specialized. Importantly, you can offer your expertise it online. Complete also with various examples of design / illustration you. For example as has been done Mas Ismail.
7. Photographers and cameramen. If you are smart photographing or filming with cameras, you can also offer your expertise via the Internet. In order for your order to cover broad, of course you need to build networks with colleagues in other areas.
8. Expert computer. If you are an expert about computers, either on the hardware, software, operating systems, you can offer that expertise. If there is confusion because the data is lost attacked by a virus, or maybe his computer error, can contact you.
9. Buying and selling websites / blogs. If you are good to fix a website / blog, you can create a new blog, then please correct to bring lots of traffic, then sell. You create a blog again, correct again, and sell. And so on.
10. Being an intermediary for job seekers. You can become an intermediary for companies looking for workers and people looking for work. The position of what is required of a company you can swatch person. Vice versa.
Internet truly grace beyond measure. Large selection of jobs you can do by utilizing the Internet. If possible supply expertise, services, or products you have you've never seen on the internet, does not mean there is no demand for it right? Maybe Mas Endro going to try to do buying and selling cattle via the Internet? Or maybe Mas Umar teach online?
Importantly, we ACTION trying and never give up!
Now there are at your choice. Want to start now or regret it later. Let's start a business on the internet now!
Greetings ACTION!


Secrets of Millionaires Internet Business

Secrets of Internet Millionaires InternetPebisnis a successful business and generate billions of money from the internet not because of luck. But they make money because they know the secret of Internet business. Secrets of millionaire internet business is very valuable, that if you apply it, you most likely would undergo a successful Internet business.
In this post, the secrets of the millionaire internet will I said. These secrets that make successful business people make so much money from the internet, can work anytime, and bathed in happiness every day with people he loved.
Listen carefully colleagues JokoSusilo.com loyal blog readers ...
I hope, after you read the post this article, you so know what you should be doing, to ACTION him, and began to get the benefits until later after I become the next internet millionaire.
Okay. Now please continue reading below to find out how the internet millionaire doing what he knows-although a little-but he's still capable of making tremendous success. And do not forget we'll discuss in the comments section.
Let us begin to squawk secret internet millionaire ...
The first secret internet millionaire internet business knows that the strategy should be the foundation of business planning. It is therefore important to have a marketing strategy and not just technical know promotion.
For example, suppose you choose not to use PPC advertising and selecting free promotion with your consideration of just starting an Internet business, so we need to know more about internet business. Well, it is referred to as Internet business strategy. That is, you have good reason to choose to do one thing, and not do anything else.
The second secret of successful Internet businesses to become internet millionaire is the figure of a specialist. They have focused on selling products, marketing services, and choosing a niche market. The focus that made you become an expert in that field, and customers have no reason to not choose you.
The third secret internet millionaire is to have a back-end products that continue to drain money. Having a back end product means increase the coffers of wealth you have.
The fourth secret internet millionaire is always reinforce the brand. Both personal brand and product brands continue to be encouraged more and more sleek.
The fifth secret internet millionaire is not working alone. Create teams for activities in your internet business.
But beyond that, above all else the Internet millionaire has a spirit of confidence and believe in the quality of its products. Prioritize ACTION and never give in through the activities of business.
In your opinion how?


Joy When First Got Money from Internet

My colleagues all .. in this post I wanted to share my experience getting money from the internet the first time.
So when Mas Ahmad Hanif told me how he got the first money from the internet, my shadow was thrown into my memory a few years ago. When you first get the first dollar from the internet.
It was about the year 2001. After how many months of struggling to earn a fortune through affiliate programs out, I get a commission from ClickBank. Shortly after I receive a check from ClickBank, my body trembling slightly. I open the envelope cover and ... WOW! Listed number 67 dollars. That dollar results I got from ClickBank.
ACTION during which I did paid off already ...
67 dollars is not a large amount indeed. But in the months that followed that number continues to rise. From 67 dollars to around 180s of dollars, 300 dollars, to about an average of 500s of dollars. As an affiliate, our job is to market other people's products and I've already done that.
Then over time, I thought why do not I just write down what I did then. How do I become a reliable affiliate marketers. Who can be successful without having to make their own products. That can make money from other people's products. That is the initial material FormulaBisnis.
Quite a good response from the market. Many who were satisfied with the product. But from the results of communication with the members as well, there is also a feeling of difficulty to market affiliate products overseas. Understandably somewhat complicated time. Need to use a credit card for advertising and other requirements that most people Indonesia has struggled to do it.
Then terbersitlah idea: why do not we own that makes the product. Why should market their products outside the foreign language.
So any approach FormulaBisnis material changes to the material covers how to create your own information business. And this approach is very well received and continue to succeed until now.
Browsing my other is Adsense. When the initial scene Adsense in Indonesia, around 2004-an maybe if I remember correctly, I had a jump in Adsense. Not too big that I received at that time. By relying on a few static web sites, when averaged over each month at only generate USD 3 million.
However, as exploration in ClickBank, the AdSense did not I continue. Simple reason: the results I got from FormulaBisnis far more many times. And I choose to focus on developing FormulaBisnis.
FormulaBisnis is 3 tricks make money by selling information products on the internet. Formula is the most widely used successfully even though we initially lay about the Internet. This is the formula that teaches make money from the internet is simple.
What about the experience you get the money first from the internet?

Here are 10 hot niches untapped Internet Business

After days of doing research with a blend of various methods and techniques of online research, now please enjoy the results. Here are 10 hot niches that have not / less untouched and potentially achieve great success.
You can use the 10 hot niches is good for the manufacture of information products as taught SMUO Business Formula. And you can also make potential blog topics taught in demand as Blogging Secret Formula.
Immediately, our top 10 hot niches untapped potential and achieve great success.

1. Healthy food. You can create ebook about healthy foods such as infant or maternal health food, healthy food family, and others. This niche is not so prominent. But in the future I'm sure will be more shining. For family health problems would be a priority concern in our everyday lives.
2. Diet. Who would not want to have the ideal body? Many people desperately trying to lose weight to have an ideal weight. You can create ebooks and videos on how to lose weight. Niche is actually already there are some who play, but compared with the existing demand, I think this is very potential.
3. Acne. You can create a ebook for example how to get rid of pimples in a week. Request this niche tend to be stable. So you do not have to worry about lack of demand.
4. Heart. Coronary heart disease was recorded as the deadliest disease in Indonesia. You can create a ebook on how to prevent and cope. Very good if provided also the drug / herbal cure.
5. Recipes of food. Do you have a small shop or a famous chef reliable? Why not try to present it in eBook form. A good example as has been done by Diamond Boy Macklin Pareira Sofan Mufti in Opang Fried Rice.
6. Stress. About stress, how to ward off stress, and how you cope with stress can make in the form of ebook. Niche trend is increasing from time to time. Very reasonable probably because the increasing pressures in life that is not managed properly. Please make your ebook and blogs antidote to stress.
7. Marriage. Every day there are people who get married. And the majority of them have not experienced it. :-) You can write ebooks eg marriage preparation containing preparations to get married. Complete also a way to build a happy family.
8. Single parent. In the future, perhaps this niche will be more hot. You can write down the ways being a single parent (single parent) are effective.
9. Time management. If you read the comments in the article How to Disable Illness Delaying Work Like you'll see just how big the market that can be targeted. You can write ebooks about time management. Very good also if fitted with an artificial tool for time management.
10. Stopper addiction. Stopping the addiction to cigarettes, alcohol, gambling, and others can you present the solution in the form of ebook. Or if you have physical products (eg herbs or drugs) to stop the addictions that, you could well marketed in one package.
How? You are ready to apply SMUO ACTION Business and Blogging Secret Formula?
Or you have other niches that you think is hot? Let's discuss ...

How to Use Google's Keyword Research Wonder Wheel

Doing keyword research is very important in internet business. Not only to determine which niches are wet or dry, but also plays an important role in the course of building a successful business on the internet, as well as in carrying out keyword strategy.
Well here I have to say one more way to do keyword research for Internet business success, by using the google wonder wheel.
How to perform keyword research below is very easy. Please follow the steps as below.
First, please go to Google.
Then enter the keyword or keywords. For example "business". Then click "search google".

Will display the results as below. Next you need to do is to click the words "wonder wheel" which is on the side. When the "wonder wheel" is not visible you can click the "Others" on the side.
bisnis internet
So that will open as below.
keyword bisnis di internet
If you have, you can click on any "Wonder Wheel".
bisnis di internet
And the Wonder Wheel will proceed and view the keywords or keywords related. You also can click back keywords so that later would create a new branch and display-related keywords. For example, we click "Internet business".
klik bisnis internet
So the result will appear as below.
wonder wheel
Simple and easy right? By way of this keyword research, you'll easily find the keywords you want. You can use it to run the SEO and link building.
Please try and greeting ACTION!

How to Successful Internet Businessman Thinking

bisnisApa mindset that you think about when starting an Internet business? Want to get rich quick? Or have billions of dollars in the account?
Hmmm ... before all that is achieved, I wanted to ask first. What you have changed your mind (mindset) you? I mean, what you've actually looked at yourself as a businessman?
Still confused?
Simply this. To my knowledge, a businessman (whatever) has certain characteristics. First, he goes on to describe every detail which he did for a profit. Second, always trying to change the concepts and ideas into the coffers of money. And third, always hungry for success and innovative spirit.
Internet business too. We must continue to learn from an existing Internet business. While continuing to ask why a website can continue to survive and why others may fail?
The success of your blog or website is not only in good content and writing only. Therefore, you need to keep learning how best-selling Web sites can be developed.
For internet businesses, the site is a repository of knowledge of others and a source of income. So, when the streets to visit a website, first position yourself as a visitor. After the think-style entrepreneurs. This step is important to give you lots of inspiration.
But ... how do I think the style of the entrepreneur?
It is not difficult, I used to do the things below:

* Harvesting ideas from different fields. When you visit a website, you can take an idea or concept of that website. This is not plagiarism, but you learn from others web site. See what makes it different web sites. Then, you apply to your own web site. This method is effective to make your website more attractive.
* Learn design another website. Other web sites may also reference design. So, you know how they design presell pages for sales and signups. Do not steal the designs, but absorbed the principles of manufacture. Next, please design your own site.
* Find a business model. "What this Web site generate?" That's what I used to ask when visiting a website. You can get answers to this question by finding out the sources of revenue from such web sites. You can think what makes web sites that survive and profit. Well, once you know the answer, apply on your site.
* What is the source of its popularity? If the website that you read it famous, understand what made him famous? Discover the sources of its traffic. Find out what visitors liked many of the site. What's your secret why many are like? Later, you can employ to promote your site.
* Try to work together. Each visit one web site, focus your attention on two things. First, look for possibilities to do things that are equally beneficial. For example, create a strategy to do the projects. Second, ask yourself, "What benefits can I take from here?" And do not forget to find deficiencies that site and then keep in mind not to lack it also happens on your site.
* Place advertisements. Every website you visit can be a land advertising. Write the details of advertising on the site. Who knew you could put an advertisement in there. Or, who knows those who actually put ads on your website.
Well wait no more. Practice now and you will immediately enjoy the results.
Good luck!

key to the success of your blog

Do you have a blog? And would like your blog a great success? Surely you'll all nod in agreement and replied, "Yes!" Well, then surely the next question asked how to do it?
If you really like it that you ask, please continue reading.
As I said earlier, I will tell you how to make your blog famous fast and reap a huge success. I wrote briefly for you to easily and quickly understand it. And could immediately ACTION them. Here it tips-tricks ...

1. Create links to other blogs. Especially to a blog that trafficnya same height and the topic of your blog.
2. Berlombalah be the first comment. Do this especially on a blog that many visitors. Because your comments will be read by other visitors. If you are interesting comments, they would go directly to your blog.
3. Their fishing rods for comment. How do can you read here.
4. Commenting to a relationship. Do not always comment on just for the sake of business. But talk like a conversation between people. Ask how are they, what is busy, or you can share stories about interesting events that you have just experienced. Comments are natural and friendly like a chat between friends can strengthen relationships.
5. Allow trackbacks and links on the comment. One of the reasons bloggers in commenting is to be able to build a network link. Fill their wish, do not ignore.
6. Create a review on another blog. Those that you create a review blog would be very happy. Yes, supposing you have not told the content of these blogs to your visitors. Blogs that you've made it a minimal review would definitely visit your blog.
7. Answer the comments addressed to you. Got a blog means you have to want to interact with other blogs. If you only want to alienate yourself with blogging in cyberspace, undo your intention was. So, do not let their comments of one hand clapping. How do I answer the comments?
8. Make a timeless article that 'eat' time. That is, which is not easy stale and forgotten. But that is always needed people until whenever. As the form of how-to article you are reading this. The types of other articles please click here.
9. Maintain good relationships with other blogs. Especially with blogs that contributed to the flow of traffic to your blog. Alias away one of the sources come visitors to your blog.
10. Enter their posts to social media. It's another way you can do to strengthen the relationship. They'll be pleased to know you are helping to disseminate their blog posts to social media.
How do you comment? Or you want to add any other tips?

Do you have a blog?  

What is a content-rich site, and why should have it?


First of all, why would you want to build content-rich sites? The short answer is "because it makes people stay on your site for a while, and build an all-they come back again, and they tell their friends about the site."
but why? well, for one thing, people will survive in rich-content sites because it takes time to read one or two articles. become, while they read the entry site, sight their edge (the side) captures the small ads around the articles.
And if people start to realize that certain sites have fields that are attractive as they like, and in particular, the different fields that are constantly changed and updated, they will double-check what's new.
The worst thing in this world is to have a stagnant website that do not change. Exactly, people will visit a site twice-first for a look, and a second to check what changed and when they did not find anything that changed, they most likely will not return. Never.


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