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key to the success of your blog

Do you have a blog? And would like your blog a great success? Surely you'll all nod in agreement and replied, "Yes!" Well, then surely the next question asked how to do it?
If you really like it that you ask, please continue reading.
As I said earlier, I will tell you how to make your blog famous fast and reap a huge success. I wrote briefly for you to easily and quickly understand it. And could immediately ACTION them. Here it tips-tricks ...

1. Create links to other blogs. Especially to a blog that trafficnya same height and the topic of your blog.
2. Berlombalah be the first comment. Do this especially on a blog that many visitors. Because your comments will be read by other visitors. If you are interesting comments, they would go directly to your blog.
3. Their fishing rods for comment. How do can you read here.
4. Commenting to a relationship. Do not always comment on just for the sake of business. But talk like a conversation between people. Ask how are they, what is busy, or you can share stories about interesting events that you have just experienced. Comments are natural and friendly like a chat between friends can strengthen relationships.
5. Allow trackbacks and links on the comment. One of the reasons bloggers in commenting is to be able to build a network link. Fill their wish, do not ignore.
6. Create a review on another blog. Those that you create a review blog would be very happy. Yes, supposing you have not told the content of these blogs to your visitors. Blogs that you've made it a minimal review would definitely visit your blog.
7. Answer the comments addressed to you. Got a blog means you have to want to interact with other blogs. If you only want to alienate yourself with blogging in cyberspace, undo your intention was. So, do not let their comments of one hand clapping. How do I answer the comments?
8. Make a timeless article that 'eat' time. That is, which is not easy stale and forgotten. But that is always needed people until whenever. As the form of how-to article you are reading this. The types of other articles please click here.
9. Maintain good relationships with other blogs. Especially with blogs that contributed to the flow of traffic to your blog. Alias away one of the sources come visitors to your blog.
10. Enter their posts to social media. It's another way you can do to strengthen the relationship. They'll be pleased to know you are helping to disseminate their blog posts to social media.
How do you comment? Or you want to add any other tips?

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