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Basic SEO for Blogs that Compulsory You Know (Part 2)

Continuing the previous post, this time we will discuss the basic SEO tips other. Earlier I mentioned that the placement of keywords (keyword) in the post is very important to support the position of your blog on search engines. Beyond that, there are many SEO tips Another useful basis to support the position of your blog.
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The first is the importance of manufacturing in the blog category. The existence of the category it easier for visitors and search engine robots to determine the structure of the content of your blog. Therefore, it has a very important category in the blog. Selection of a category name would not be indiscriminate. In addition associated with the concept of your blog content, the name of the selected category should indeed is the keyword so it would support your SEO activities.
For those of you who are just starting a blog, you should also not be too eager to choose keywords that are very high competitive level. Choose keywords that are competitive only mediocre and make it as a category name. But keep in mind still must relate to the concept of your blog content.
In addition, other SEO tips every post you are connecting with previous postings. The links are also checked for search engine spiders. The point is, never let any of your posts alone alias not have links to your post earlier.
In a blog platform like Wordpress which I recommend in the Secret Blogging, can also use the plugin related post. Your plugin will help bring up related posts at the end of the posting. For example, as at the end of this post, you will find other posts relating to this post.
Naming the title of the blog page (not the post title) is also very important in SEO. Usually, the title of the blog pages containing the main keywords that you aim at and often describes overview the entire contents of your blog. To change the title page, there are plenty of WordPress plugins that can help. One of the most popular is the SEO Title Tag.
Oh yes, you can also take advantage of a web analysis program. Point so that you know anyone who commits a link to your blog, post what they link out, and what keywords they used to be able to come to your blog.
In WordPress, they are more easily because it can directly be seen in statistics. But for those of you who use blogger need not worry, you can use Google Analytics. Just shortcomings sometimes make the access time to open your blog to be rather slow. Guide to use Google Analytics, can be read at the Blog Business Online Zam-Sy.
Other basic SEO tips? Consider also said jutawancerdas.
However, once again, the important focus on your visitors first. Because they are so enamored with your blog content, so they will immediately come without the need for this way of search engines.
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