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Why Is Fox News Suddenly Owning Up to Its Politics?

Image representing Rupert Murdoch as depicted ...
Image via CrunchBase
Something awfully interesting is going on at Fox News these days. Ever since Rupert Murdoch founded his cable network, it has driven liberal critics into apoplexy by hanging the slogan “Fair and Balanced” on programming that tilted to the right — subtly during daytime hours, brazenly in prime time. While Murdoch himself has always been open about his politics, no matter what, you couldn’t get Fox News chief Roger Ailes or anyone who worked for him to admit the obvious: It’s a conservative channel that prefers Republicans to Democrats. Any perception that it was so, Ailes puckishly insisted, was only because we’ve all grown to used to the liberal slant of every other network.
Officially, none of that has changed. As a practical matter, however, Murdoch and Ailes seem to be wavering in their commitment to plausible deniability. It started, perhaps, last year, when Alan Colmes, the sole liberal fig leaf in prime time, departed “Hannity and Colmes” and was not replaced. Then there were News Corp.’s seven-figure donations to the Republican Governors Association and the Chamber of Commerce, and Murdoch’s slightly kooky comments about President Obama’s supposed racism. And now Ailes is out there saying startlingly un-fair-and-balanced things to The Daily Beast’s Howard Kurtz.
It’s a commonplace by now at Fox that the President is a socialist. But according to Ailes, Obama is such a socialist that “[h]e had to be told by the French and the Germans that his socialism was too far left for them to deal with.” Ailes also says that Obama “has a different belief system than most Americans,” calls President Bush a “poor guy” and freely admits to coaching Glenn Beck to go easier on Republicans in order to avoid alienating his core audience. And that’s just part one of a two-part interview.
Shocking? Not so much to Fox insiders. “Ailes is always like that, but they don’t usually don’t trot him out,” says one. “He’s says that kind of thing in the hallways all the time. He’s somewhere to the right of Atilla the Hun.”
Why are Murdoch and Ailes parting the veil after all this time? There are a few possibilities. It could be that they see this year’s swing in the electorate as a vindication of their worldview; in other words, Ailes truly believes simply being objective when he says Obama is too socialist for the French. It could be they want due credit for what they’ve done: building a partisan media apparatus that doesn’t just cover electoral shifts — it produces them.
Or it could be age. Ailes is 70; Murdoch, 79. One of the nice things about getting old, we’re told, is you don’t care so much what people think about you anymore. Fox News destroys CNN and MSNBC in the ratings every single night and brings in over $500 million in profits a year for News Corp. Maybe Murdoch and Ailes, in the twilight of their careers, just don’t give a fig what people say.


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