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Mark Zuckerberg Grows Up, Draws Praise For Impressive Interview

Image representing Mark Zuckerberg as depicted...
Image via CrunchBase
His face was flushed, and he was sweating profusely while trying to answer even the easy questions. It was just earlier this year that Facebook chief executive Mark Zuckerberg looked like he was about to have a meltdown on stage while being interviewed at the Dow Jones D8 Conference in June.
And now look at him. Being interviewed on Tuesday on stage at the Web 2.0 conference in San Francisco, Zuckerberg was composed, calm and even possessed of a sense of humor and self-deprecation that’s been missing from his previous public appearances. In the past, Zuckerberg has been criticized as being awkward and rambling in these interviews, an engineer who’s more comfortable focusing on product than tackling and defending the big policy issues that Facebook faces.
But the old Zuckerberg was gone today, replaced by a confident speaker who was able to handle most of the tough questions — and there were a number of them from the hosts, Tim O’Reilly and John Battelle, and the audience.
Tackling the notion that Facebook tends to ask for forgiveness rather than permission when launching new features on the service that users may not like, Zuckerberg was able to turn the dialog into a discussion about how Facebook is on the cutting edge of resolving the tension behind what’s private and what’s not in the Web 2.0 era. “Frankly it’s one of the reasons why being at Facebook is so exciting,” Zuckerberg said. “We’re at the forefront of these unsolved issues.”
But he was also self-deprecating and humble, admitting to missteps, past and future: “Every mistake you could probably make, I’ve made, or will make,” he said, adding, “If anything, the Facebook story is a great example how if you’re building a product that people love, you can make a lot of mistakes.”
When the conversation turned to the “Points of Control” map that looks at the power consolidation by large corporations and organizations on the internet, Zuckerberg adeptly replied that the uncharted territory — areas yet to be explored or discovered online — should be the biggest part of the map. The audience greeted this with applause, while the hosts nodded in agreement.
Real-time responses on Twitter during Zuckerberg’s interview were generally very positive as well.
“God I Swear this is the best Zuckerberg interview I have ever seen,” tweeted @andytelasai. Another Twitter user, @dave_sloan: “Zuck is KILLING this interview.”
Dani Dudeck, general manager of corporate communications at social games company Zynga tweeted, “every time mark speaks he looks more comfortable & thrilled about what they’re building, facebook is on such a product tear right now.”
The transformation you are seeing is in almost all certainty the result of much coaching and training. But that doesn’t make it any less impressive — or important. Many have criticized the 26-year-old CEO in the past as being too immature and not articulate enough to lead the fast-growing company.
But after the interview, some are taking notice and changing their tune.
“wow – Zuck all grown up. He rocked the interview. Very very impressive,” tweeted @chrisalbinson, whose profile lists him as the managing director of Silicon Valley venture capital firm Panorama Capital.
“Zuck passes the grown-up company CEO test: He’s articulate, unfazed, and stays on message even when asked to defend the indefensible,” tweeted @antonejohnson, whose profile lists him as the founding principal of a business and IP law firm in San Francisco and Santa Moncia.
To be sure, Zuckerberg’s public speaking skills still leave room for improvement. The CEO still doesn’t get to the point in his answers quickly enough, and had a few awkward moments here and there. When asked a question about his thoughts on the business social graph, Zuckerberg said he didn’t understand the question, and later attributed part of the problem to not being able to hear the question well because of the poor acoustics in the hall, making it look like a dodge.
But overall, it was a strong showing from Zuckerberg, especially compared to his past interviews. As Facebook continues to figure out where to go from reaching 500 million users (and 200 million mobile users), it will need strong leadership and direction from the top. Until recently, it looked like Zuckerberg should consider stepping aside for the sake of company growth. Now, however, he may be just the man Facebook needs.


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