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Merck’s New Drug Could End The Stent Business

Un stent couvert de 8mm (utilisation pour lési...
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AHA 2010
Millions of heart patients have gotten cardiac stents placed in their arteries to stave off chest pain from angina and open dangerously-clogged arteries. The multibillion dollar business is dominated by companies such as Johnson & Johnson and Boston Scientific.
But if a new drug from Merck lives up to its early promise, it could put much of the stent industry out of business.
The drug, called anacetrapib, showed a remarkable ability to prevent the need for stent operations and bypass surgery in a preliminary study  presented today at a big meeting of cardiologists in Chicago. In the 1600 person study, the drug slashed the number of such procedures by an astonishing 70%, with no apparent major safety risks.
The results could revive hopes for a notorious class of drugs that aim to boost good cholesterol particles, which help clear cholesterol out of the arteries.  The Merck compound is in the same class of drugs as a Pfizer drug called torcetrapib that was hailed a few years ago as the next big heart drug. Then it turned out to cause heart attacks and deaths in a giant trial. The colossal failure cast a pall over the good cholesterol field and raised questions over whether doctors  understand how good cholesterol works.
Reassuringly, the Merck drug showed no signs of  raising blood pressure, altering electrolytes, or interfering with the hormone aldosterone, top cardiologists said–problems that occurred with the Pfizer drug. Patients on the drug showed a tendency towards a slightly lower rate of heart attacks and unstable angina, although this was not statistically significant.
“It is very reassuring and very encouraging,” said Harvard cardiologist Christopher Cannon, who led the Merck-sponsored trial. Merck plans to move into a definitive larger trial based on the result.
Overall, Merck and Harvard researchers calculated that they could rule out with 95% certainty the possibility that anacetrapib could cause  the 25% increase in heart attacks and other cardiovascular events seen with torcetrapib. But the current study cannot rule out that the Merck drug increases other causes of death, as the Pfizer drug appeared to do. In the big Pfizer study, there appeared to be higher rates of deaths from both cancer and infections in group of patients who got torcetrapib. It is not clear why this happened, but HDL has been theorized to play a immune system role; interfering with this could cause problems.
In the Merck study, there were 11 deaths in patients on the study drug and 8 deaths among patients who got placebo. This difference was not statistically meaningful.
In the trial, the Merck drug caused a remarkable 138% increase in good cholesterol, pushing people up into supernormal levels above 100. A typical level is more like 50 or 60. “It is just off the charts HDL levels,” said Harvard’s Cannon, a cardiologist at Harvard’s Brigham and Women’s Hospital. “Lots of people are trying to work on raising good cholesterol, but this drug is way more potent than anything we have seen.” Other companies testing good cholesterol drugs include Roche (which has a directly competing medicine in final trials), and tiny Resverlogix, which is working on a totally different mechanism to  alter good cholesterol.
Based on the study Merck said it will move ahead with a massive 30,000 patient study led by Oxford University to prove that anacetrapib can lower heart risk without causing other adverse effects. This will take around five years and will likely cost hundreds of millions of dollars.
“It is a sizable risk that Merck is taking,” said Merck vice president Yale Mitchel. “We are confident we are not going to see the same types of problems that were seen with torcetrapib. But we don’t know whether the drug will work or not.” Only by doing the giant trial can it get an answer.
There have been questions raised whether torcetrapib-style drugs make larger amounts of defective good cholesterol particles that can’t do the job properly.  Cannon noted that recent lab studies appear to indicate that anacetrapib makes “big and puffy” HDL particles that seemed to function properly in removing cholesterol from the arteries.
Today’s Merck study was also published in the New England Journal of Medicine.


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