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How Taxpayers Win Even If GM Doesn’t Pay Them Back In Full

The Renaissance Center in downtown Detroit ser...
GM's Detroit headquarters
General Motors prepared to return to the public markets Thursday after pricing its initial public stock offering at $33 a share late Wednesday. The IPO, likely to be the largest-ever, will allow the federal government to recoup about $13.6 billion of the $49.5 billion in bailout funds it provided to keep GM afloat in 2009.
But the Center for Automotive Research, in a study published Wednesday, concluded that even if the U.S. Treasury doesn’t recoup its entire $80 billion investment in the auto sector, the economy will still be better off than if it had allowed the companies to collapse.
Of course, it’s impossible to know precisely what would have happened if the Bush and Obama administrations had chosen not to bail out General Motors and Chrysler. But CAR takes a shot at measuring the magnitude of the economic disaster averted and whether it was worth the cost.
The Ann Arbor, Mich.-based non-profit, which made headlines in 2008 and 2009 for its dire predictions of economic catastrophe should one or both automakers fail, now has the benefit of time to look back at what really happened. It compared the impact of the $80 billion in aid provided to the auto industry with actual economic performance for 2009 and 2010.
As it turned out, the economy performed better than CAR had expected, and although automotive sales were weaker, U.S. automakers’ market share held up better than anticipated. Thus the bailout “was clearly a very successful policy intervention at a critical time,” said Kristin Dziczek, director of CAR’s labor and industry group.
By allowing for swift and orderly bankruptcy proceedings (as opposed to a drawn-out liquidation), the federal aid to Detroit averted the loss of 1.14 million jobs in 2009, and another 314,400 in 2010, the study found.
Jobs disappeared, for sure, during the government-brokered bankruptcies. Using historical employment and economic data, CAR estimates that 23,900 jobs were lost at GM and Chrysler by the end of 2009, and, although there has been some new hiring this year, a net of 21,900 jobs will have been shed at these companies by the end of 2010. For every auto job lost, many others are lost in related industries. Overall, CAR estimates the economy will have lost 171,000 jobs as of the end of 2010, which is less than the nearly 180,000 it had projected in a quick bankruptcy.
But several million jobs would have been lost if the carmakers had failed, CAR says. So the government intervention prevented the loss of $96.5 billion in lost personal income. The net impact to the federal government—in terms of changes in transfer payments, social security receipts and personal income taxes—was $21.6 billion in 2009 and $7.0 billion in 2010.
“To date, $13.4 billion in principal has been repaid on the government’s $80 billion U.S. investment in the automotive industry. This study shows that $28.6 billion in net losses to the U.S. Treasury were averted by the policy to provide federal assistance to General Motors and Chrysler,” said Sean McAlinden, executive vice president of research and chief economist at CAR. “With this in mind, CAR’s analysis shows the government need only recover $38 billion of the remaining $66.6 billion outstanding investment in this industry to achieve a two-year break-even.”
If the Treasury recovers just 57 cents on the dollar or more in upcoming equity sales, the public will have been made fully whole, CAR concluded.
The U.S. will raise about $13.6 billion through GM’s IPO, reducing its stake from 61% to around 33%. It has already recovered $9.5 billion, including interest, of the $49.5 billion it has invested in GM. It’ll sell the remaining shares in subsequent stock offerings over the next few years.
The balance of the government’s aid to the auto sector includes $12.1 billion for Chrysler, $1.5 billion for Chrysler Financial, $17.7 billion for GMAC (now Ally Bank), $600 million for government-backed warranties and $400 million to prop up ailing auto suppliers. Both Ally and Chrysler plan IPOs in the next year or so, allowing the government to recoup more of its bailout funds.


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