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Is Ireland Europe’s AIG?

People walk past an Anglo Irish Bank branch in...
Image by AFP via @daylife
The $100 billion bailout of Ireland currently being put together in Europe shares some frightening characteristics with the most infamous bailout that took place in the U.S., the taxpayer-funded bailout of American International Group.
The problem in Ireland is the banks. They are just about insolvent and the Irish government has already pretty much guaranteed all Irish bank debts. Many people saw the bailout of AIG as a backdoor bailout of its big bank creditors. It’s possible that the bailout of Ireland could turn into a backdoor method of helping German banks and other foreign banks that have mismanaged their exposure to Ireland’s banking system.
Two years ago the U.S. government made the politically unpopular decision to inject $180 billion of taxpayer funds into AIG even after letting Lehman Brothers fail. Some $60 billion of that money quickly passed through AIG to AIG’s creditors, big banks like Goldman Sachs, Bank of America and Société Générale, which had purchased insurance on mortgage-related securities from AIG that the giant insurer could no longer pay. The U.S. government payments came to be seen by many as a controversial backdoor bailout of the banks, especially because the U.S. government did not negotiate any sort of discount from the big banks that had mismanaged their counterparty risk.
German banks are Ireland’s biggest creditors, with $226 billion outstanding, according to the Bundesbank. Germany, the biggest and strongest economy in Europe, will probably be the single biggest contributor to the Irish bailout as it was in the rescue of Greece. As a German government spokesperson, Steffen Seibert, reportedly said recently: “The German government knows that German banks, above all I think Deutsche Bank, are considerably burdened by the Irish debt problems.” Banks in the U.K., France and Belgium also have large exposure to Ireland’s banks. So Britain is now committing $11 billion in bilateral aid to help rescue Ireland outside of the permanent bailout mechanism set up by euro-zone members.
The details of the Ireland bailout by the IMF and European Commission are not yet known, but the New York Times has reported that 15 billion euros will be used to backstop the Irish banks. There are fears about bank runs in Ireland and the New York Times has reported that Allied Irish Bank and Anglo Irish Bank have seen billions of euros get sucked out in recent months.
It seems possible that, like in the case of AIG, any bailout money that is transferred into the Irish banks will quickly leak out and be paid quickly to creditors and depositors, some of them foreign.
In Ireland, the financial rescue has been associated with a feeling of losing sovereignty and being forced into severe austerity measures, notions that have made the bailout deeply unpopular.  How will the Irish public feel about the bailout if they come to see it as a backdoor bailout of foreign financial firms? How will the financial rescue work if some of the money that goes into Ireland to prop up the banks goes flying out of the country moments later? The bailout of AIG seemed to work out much better for its creditors than the company itself.


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