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How Many ETFs Do You Need?

Exchange-traded funds, which are fixed baskets of stocks that trade like shares of stock, are an explosively successful product, with assets in the category approaching $1 trillion. A lot of customers are making mistakes, though. By owning diversified ETFs they are missing opportunities to capture tax losses.
In a tax-deferred account like an IRA or a 401(k), carve-ups are irrelevant. Go ahead and buy a broad fund. Two excellent choices for U.S. stocks are the SPDR S&P 500 (SPY), with $82 billion in assets and an expense burden of only $9 a year per $10,0000; and the Schwab U.S. Broad Market ETF (SCHB), a tiny $360 million fund with a $6 annual cost per $10,000.
Outside your tax shelter, however, these are poor choices. You are better off chopping the ETF into bite-sized pieces. Vanguard has separate ETFs for large, medium and small companies, with separate growth and value portfolios for each. Get six ETFs instead of one. That way, if just one or two of these groups go down in value, you can capture a capital loss deduction by selling and reinvesting in a similar (but not identical) portfolio.
What about foreign stocks? If you have $25,000 or less to put in, Schwab’s International Equity fund (SCHF) is a bargain at $13 a year in overhead per $10,000 invested. If you have more money, buy Vanguard’s separate European (VGK), Pacific (VPL) and Emerging Market (VWO) funds rather than a tutti-frutti international ETF.
If you have more than $250,000 to put abroad and also have opinions about where the world economy is going, consider the iShares single-country funds. Expenses are higher, at about $55 a year per $10,000.
Don’t misunderstand. The point is not to lose money so you can get a deduction. Your aim is to have all your funds go straight up. But bad things happen. When they do, you want the federal government to share some of the loss.
You can use capital losses to absorb any amount of capital gains plus up to $3,000 of “ordinary” income (from interest, dividends, salary and so on). Unused losses can be carried forward indefinitely (but expire with you).
If you have unused losses carried forward from the recent crash, more losses won’t help you right away. But they could be valuable down the road. Don’t waste time when an opportunity to capture a loss presents itself. If your ETF sinks $1,000 or more, book the loss before it recovers.
Of course, you should get right back in with a similar ETF. Nothing worse than taking money out of the market to grab a tax benefit, only to see it rebound while you wait on the sidelines. You have to dodge the IRS rule against “wash sales”—selling something at a loss and buying back the same thing within 30 days before or after. Do that by switching into an ETF with a similar but not identical portfolio.
Someday you may be very glad you have loss carryforwards on hand. You may have capital gain distributions from funds, gains on stocks that get taken away in mergers, or a gain on a vacation home.
Avoid selling winning funds and stocks in a taxable account, unless they grow to an outsized fraction of your net worth. There are three better things to do with winners:
–Give winners to charity. If you pay $5,000 for ETF shares and donate them when they are worth $12,000, you get a deduction for the full $12,000 but owe no capital gain tax on the $7,000 profit.
–Give winners to a relative who’s in a low tax bracket—for example, your daughter as she is headed off to college. She inherits your tax basis. She immediately sells the stock or fund. The taxable appreciation is the same as if you had sold the investment, but her tax rate is likely lower than yours.
–Leave winners in your estate. Under the estate law likely to go back into effect in January, appreciated property gets stepped up fair market value when the owner dies. That means capital gain tax is forgiven.


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