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7 Tips Win SEO Contest

7 Tips SEOTahun Contest Win this 2010 contest, competition, or SEO race certain to be flooding the Internet universe of Indonesia. If the count is calculated the velocity of money from this SEO contest is big enough. Can hundreds of millions a year and will continue to grow each year because many people started to realize how important SEO for the success of their online promotion. In addition, the origin of know how, buzz marketing can be done quickly through the SEO contest.
For those of you who are interested in making money via the Internet with the ability of the SEO or search engine optimization is certainly a condition of interesting opportunities. Because, besides the money generated is quite good, much more than that if winning the SEO contest led to a satisfaction in itself. Your name is also increasingly recognized by many as a whiz SEO.
How do you win the contest tips for SEO? What should you prepare?

1. Understand the rules of the SEO contest. It's the first thing you should consider: understand very well the rules that you follow the SEO contest. With a good understanding of SEO contest rules, you know what you should do and that should be avoided.
2. Know your strengths. How far is the ability of your SEO knowledge and how strong your virtual assets. By knowing your strengths, you can assess the extent of your ability to win the SEO contest.
3. Have a strategy the SEO contest. As fighting on the battlefields, the SEO contest will also need to have a SEO strategy. You formulate how SEO strategy in the early contests, in the middle of the contest, and approaching the end of the contest. Of course, the strategy you should always look to follow developments in the situation that you follow the SEO contest. If it turns out you think your strategy is not powerful enough to boost position in the top ten or the front page of search engines, do not hesitate to change it.
4. Learn the power of the opponent. You need to know anyone who followed the contest, how their strengths, and what strategies they use. By knowing the strengths and strategies of the opponent, you will know how to disable them and win the "battle" of SEO.
5. Develop your virtual assets. If you have several websites and blogs this can be a valuable start-up capital for you when following a SEO contest. Website and blog, you can use to support your blog / website that you ikutsertakan SEO contest. Because it is always expand your virtual assets.
6. Many friends a lot of luck. Your friends can invite you to support you in the SEO contest. Because it is a lot of friends never hurt.
7. Immediately ACTION. If you really mean it to his world or want to become a whiz SEO SEO do not hesitate to ACTION the SEO contest. Follow the earnest and implement SEO sciences you've learned in the SEO contest. Even if you have not yet succeeded in finally winning the SEO contest, I'm sure at least you will learn many new SEO knowledge. And that you can use to develop your virtual assets.


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