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AdSense Tip: Western Union Payouts

If you’re an AdSense publisher residing in the United States, then it’s easy for you to receive funds. Most accounts will have access to Electronic Fund Transfer (EFT). This means Google will wire the funds directly to your bank account upon release date. Then, of course, there are the usual choices–standard check delivery and secure check delivery. In other countries, though, EFT is not available and the most secure way to receive funds was via secure delivery check. This doesn’t come cheap for those who don’t get big amounts every month, though, since the courier fee is $24. But that’s an option one has to take, unless you want to wait for three weeks for your check to come in the mail (if it does at all, since I’ve read many a story of stolen AdSense checks).
Then there’s the local bank clearing time, which usually takes three days for local currency checks. In some areas, I’ve read about US dollar-denominated checks clearing taking 40 days!
Good thing that you can already receive your earnings through Western Union. Assuming you reach the minimum $100 for payout, you can get the funds as quickly as five days after the payment is posted (which you can check via payment history under your account).
Western Union payout is even free!
Western Union Quick Cash is a payment method that allows you to receive your AdSense payments in cash using the worldwide Western Union money transfer service. Payments will be available for pick up at your local Western Union Agent the day after they are sent according to our normal payment schedule.
This means that you won’t have to wait for a check to arrive in the mail. Choosing to receive your payments by Western Union can also cut down on the bank fees and long clearing times associated with depositing checks.
If you prefer to get funds via Western Union, here’s how to set up your account.
Assuming you have logged in already, click on the My Account tab and then you are brought to the Account Settings tab.
Look for the Payment details row and then click the edit link.
You are then shown different choices for form of payment. Now, this would depend on the country in which you have signed up your Google AdSense account from, and usually this country information cannot be edited. If you’re from the US, then you would see other options such as EFT. If you’re from other countries, then you may or may not see Western Union as an option.
Assuming you have Western Union, click on the Setup Western Union Quick Cash radio button (meaning the tick-box), and then click Continue.
You will then be asked to enter your given name and surname.
Now it’s absolutely essential that you input your first name (and any second name) and surname exactly as it appears on your identification cards, as Western Union agents will usually be strict in comparing the recipient name in the money transfer order with the ID cards presented.
After you’ve inputted the correct given name and surname you then have to click the “I agree that I have a government issued ID that matches …” check box, you cann now save your settings.
This will now be reflected on your Account Settings page.
Assuming you’ve done these editions before the 15th of the month cut off, you can expect your funds to be transmitted via Western Union in the next sending. You just have to monitor your Payment History page, and if you see payment issued indicated beside the month, then that means you can already withdraw the funds from any Western Union branch or agent.
Clickingon the details link:
You need to note down the following information, so you can write them down on the Western Union withdraw form (usually colored yellow). Be sure to use the regular withdraw form. Google says it’s “Quick Cash” but Western Union also has another service called “quick cash”. The system used by Google is just the regular Western Union funds withdrawal.
  • The exact amount of payment
  • The (usually eight-digit) Money Transfer Control Number (MTCN)
  • Sender’s information: Google Inc. , 1600 Amphitheatre Parkway, Mountain View, CA 94043 USA
Also, don’t forget to bring your ID cards. Western Union usually asks for at least one government-issued ID, such as a driver’s license, passport, social security ID, and another alternate ID (company ID, school ID, etc.).
You can opt to receive your funds in US dollars, or in the local currency of your choice.

How to opt out of Google Targeted Ads

Recently, Google announced a new ad-targeting system that tracks where you go on the web, and tailors future ads to your interests. According to the announcement:
These ads will associate categories of interest — say sports, gardening, cars, pets — with your browser, based on the types of sites you visit and the pages you view. We may then use those interest categories to show you more relevant text and display ads.
So whatever site you visit will be recorded and eventually, ads based on your browsing history will be shown. It will even track down your browsing behavior. If you put a shiny new Nikon D700 in your shopping cart, but never actually purchase it, Google will offer advertisers a way to place ads for the D700. Think of it as a way of constantly reminding you of the things you’re lusting after.
Creepy, right? Fortunately, Google offers ways to opt out of the new targeted ads system. They even provide a preference, and a browser plug-in, that can keep behavior-snooping bots at bay.
Log into your Google account and go over to the Google Ads Preferences page, wherein opting out puts in a cookie on your browser that will stop that pesky bot from monitoring and targeting ads. Obviously, the problem with that is whenever you clear your cookies (which most privacy-paranoid people are prone to do anyway), you need to opt out again. Which kind of sucks, because we want something that’s more permanent.
There’s the second option, an Opt-Out Preferences plugin that basically does the same job as the cookie, but this time its more permanent. Just go to the link and install it, the the DoubleClick cookie will be blocked from your browser as long as you have it on your PC. Unfortunately, the plugin is only for Internet Explorer and Firerfox. If you’re on Chrome, Safari or even Opera, there’s no way for you to use the plugin.

Google AdSense Tips

Google just released a Newbie Central for their AdSense program, those ads webmasters can include on their site to earn money for every click on the ad from a visitor (if you're using the program, part of the advertiser budget will go to you, and the other part to Google). I wanted to add some tips from my own experience:
  1. Ads can work well in-between other stuff. On a games site of mine, some of the games don't contain ads next to the game area; the AdSense ad will only be shown in-between game rounds. This is the time the visitor is not concentrating on performing a task but might take a small break, and be open to the option of visiting new sites.
  2. Put too much emphasis on AdSense and your site may be linked to less. The more available space you dedicate to AdSense on your site, and the less you differentiate between ads and content in your design, the more money you earn with the program, right? Not quite. While pushing the AdSense may result in short-term gains, it might also convince some visitors that the site is too crowded to be worth visiting again. And some of those visitors may also be bloggers or other people who might otherwise help to promote your site with links to it. And the less your site gets linked to, the less traffic it gets, meaning AdSense revenues may go down in the long term.
  3. Even if you get huge traffic, the AdSense income from the site is more dependent on the site type and audience. Google targets AdSense ads automatically to the site content. Or at least, it does so ideally – but some types of content fare better than others with this targeting. I noticed for instance that AdSense does better on a games site than on a technology blog. I also heard people say that AdSense does quite good on product oriented blogs; say, one post solely about the iPod; another post solely about Gadget XYZ, and so on.
  4. Image ads can be relevant and work for you, but they might also apall some visitors. Google's AdSense program gives you the option to choose between a couple of different ad formats. Two main groups are text ads vs text & image ads. When you choose the latter, Google will deliver what they deem works best for your content (or so one would hope, and it would be in Google's best self-interest to serve you the best possible ad, it seems).

    However, Google doesn't really know your layout preferences, and they don't really understand when your audience thinks ads are "too much"; and considering image ads include Flash animations (which you can't disable, once you go for image ads), Flash animations may well push some people away. One thing you can do is to only show image ads in areas where they don't disturb the content, e.g. at the end of posts. Also, you might want to listen to visitor feedback on the ads being served; I received emails before that the blinking ad on this or that site made a person want to leave the site, at which point I blocked the specific advertiser via the AdSense Setup -> Competitive Ad Filter option.
  5. When it comes to context sensitive targeting, you can increase or lower the importance of certain parts of your page. To help Google find a matching ad for your content, you can use the HTML comment syntax by encapsulating more important parts with

    <!-- google_ad_section_start -->
    ... your important site content here ...
    <!-- google_ad_section_end -->.
    Or, to lower the importance of a section, use:

    <!-- google_ad_section_start(weight=ignore) -->
    ... your not so important site content here ...
    <!-- google_ad_section_end -->
    (Google notes that it may take up to 2 weeks for this change to your site will be taken into account by the AdSense.)

    What if your site doesn't have any good matchable content to begin with, though? Say, the page just includes an image. Well, for the reasons of search engine optimization but also ad optimization you might want to consider using at least a descriptive title, an explanatory footer containing the important keywords or keyphrases (the kind of footer that actually helps the human visitor by explaining what the page is about). In the case of image content, reasonable alt and title attribute texts should be used as well.*

    *Whatever you do, don't resort to "keyword-stuffing" as it doesn't help your visitors and may get your page ranked lower in search engines.
  6. Be aware of risks when you change ad layouts too much. I once had a system on the server to randomly differ between various AdSense layouts on the same page. Doing so I was hoping to add some good variety to keep the ads at least somewhat interesting and notable. Shortly after I stopped doing so and simply included a rather big static area for the AdSense to "do what it wants," the AdSense revenues for that site increased. Now, I don't know if this was a coincidence of some sorts, as revenues often go down or up even when you don't do anything, but it might well have been that there was a connection between adding too much homemade randomization, and lowered revenues.

    At another time, during the redesign of this blog, I switched from one ad format to another for the end-of-posts AdSense ad space. This, combined with perhaps other layout changes, suddenly cut the ad revenues in half for the blog. It took me some time to realize that I had some ad channels* set up for the specific old layout size, and by changing this I must have kicked out all those advertisers who were pushing their ads through the channel.

    *This setting can be found at AdSense Setup -> Channels.
  7. Use competing ad systems when AdSense doesn't seem to work for a site. At CoverBrowser.com, which shows galleries of comic and book covers and so on, I tried including AdSense ads in "non-annoying" places in the layout (including trying to use AdSense affiliate links via AdSense Setup -> Referrals), but this didn't seem to work at all. However I then tried "affiliating" the "buy" link below individual covers, utilizing the eBay affiliate commission system offered by AuctionAds.com*. (Disclosure: Patrick Gavin, co-owner of AuctionAds, paid me for consulting before on other projects, like Sketchcast.com.) This worked a lot better, and as it was simply connected to an existing site feature, it also didn't add clutter.

    A good start to find other ad programs is to search for adsense alternatives on Google... you will see a lot of lists which are dedicated to competitors. (Note that some of these competitors may be US-only.) You may also want to join an ad or blog network like The Deck, Federated Media (disclosure: I was part of Federated Media before), or 9 Rules. Before joining such a network – which might require you to show them your traffic stats and so on – check if their typical ads and campaigns fit with your site layout and your general ad type preferences.

    *CommissionJunction also offers an eBay affiliate system but CommissionJunction has really low usability, in my opinion; setting it up is confusing.
  8. Sometimes you may get a sudden increase in traffic, hence ad clicks, but you can't locate the source of the traffic. I'm using Google Analytics to track my sites, though AdSense is also a good first indicator of traffic explosions... because it will show the combined page views of all your sites (provided you include AdSense on all of them), as opposed to Google Analytics, where you need to check site by site individually.

    However, sometimes even with Google Analytics, you won't be able to locate the source of your traffic because there's no specific new popular referrer being shown (a referrer is the site linking to your site, provided people click on that link). In these cases, it may well be that your site has been discussed in a TV show or similar, as the show won't "link" to you (but audiences will be entering your domain manually into the browser when they like what the saw on TV). When you feel that there has been a traffic explosion sometimes you may get additional email feedback in regards to your site, and it makes sense for you to ask your visitor: where did you first find out about the site? Maybe the can let you know about the name of the TV show, or magazine, or other "offline" source responsible for the peak. (I sometimes sent pointers to the BBC Click show for instance, with partly enormous effect.)
  9. Consider using AdSense even when the page doesn't get any traffic yet. Who knows, some day the traffic suddenly explodes, and you might not realize fast enough and thus miss out on the action (as sometimes, traffic goes as fast as it comes).

    On the other hand, reversely I would suggest to never do a site just to make ad money with it. That kind of motivation may lead to spammy sites that don't help anyone really. (If a project is great, it's great even if it doesn't make any money.)
  10. Making money with AdSense takes time. In my experience, it may take many months to years for a site to gain enough traffic to make OK money through AdSense... if ever. I have almost never experienced any site making quick and easy money with AdSense (though you may be getting quicker results than me of course, as it depends on so many variables!).
    I think for any site getting a couple of thousands of visitors a day, you might want to start playing around with AdSense to see where it takes you (if you didn't already include AdSense anyway just to see what happens, and following up on tip #9). As you are paid in US-$, the actual benefit the ad revenue will bring depends on your local costs of living as well (you might even ponder moving or going on an extended holiday trip if your local costs of living are too high for your site revenues to cover).

What is Google Adsense Smart Pricing

What is Google Adsense Smart Pricing? This is where Google Adsense will serve lower priced adverts on sites that have poor click through rate (“CTRs”), and higher priced adverts on sites that have high CTRs. This calculation is done across a whole Adsense account, not on a site by site basis.
From Google’s perspective this makes sense as if an ad that has a high CPC is displayed on a site but doesn’t get clicked on, then because this will result in poor performing results for their advertising partners who they want to keep happy as well as their publishers, then they won’t serve those ads on that site again and instead will show ads from ‘less important’ advertisers with cheaper ads.
What does this mean for your blog or website? Well, by having ads displayed in poorly performing locations (such as in the footer or lower area of the website or blog) either on a poorly performing site or in a poorly performing ad slot, then this will only result in cheaper ads being displayed on average across all your sites.
Therefore, less is more! Place your ad units only in sidebars and headers.
Armed with this new knowledge, you should remove some of your ads insread of only displaying an ad because there’s a ‘blank space’, so that (hopefully) across your Google Adsense account your average CTR will increase, which should hopefully mean that you can get more higher priced ads because Google sees your site as a good place to serve better ads.
You need to monitor the results for a few months to see if the average eCPM for your better performing ad units increases as a result. Hopefully, this will offset the loss of earnings from removing the poorly performing units.

Position, Position, Position- Improve Your CTR

Position is the fundamental factor that will effect an Ads performance – its click through rate or CTR. The first reason for this is simple – a visitor cannot click on an ad that they cannot see.
Another reason is that your visitors will interact with your webpage and consequently your ads in the way that you want them to interact with them. This is obviously a generalization as not everyone will interpret your layout in the same way but the principle is sound.
For example, I generally don’t place ads at the head of the page above your content and navigation nor at the very bottom below both of these. These postions are too reminiscent of the traditional banner advertisement and for me don’t come close to taking advantage of what Adsense ads actually offer.
Think from the perspective of Adwords advertisers who are renting space on your blog or website with the hope of getting prospective customers. Why would they be willing to invest in your site (by buying ads) when they are not getting the expected returns? If you want advertisers to bid on your site, it is advisable that you place ads at the best positions in your blog or website else don’t use Adsene at all.
The bottom line is that Adsense works best when the ads are integrated into your website as additional content in particular in posts. Adsense generates ads that are related to the actual words in the content of your page. To perform at it’s best they have to be placed next to these words.
For short articles or posts, CTR is best when ads are placed just above the content. On the other hand, for long articles, CTR will improve if you place ads somewhere in middle of the content or just where the article or posts ends – when visitors are done reading the article, they may be looking for related resources.
This one is a very simple change and is ridiculously straight forward to implement.  To wrap text around an adsense ad unit, you may use the following code:
<div style=”display:block;float:right;margin:7px;”>
google_ad_client = “pub-3305756291402466″;
/* 300×250, Erstellt 28.05.10 */
google_ad_slot = “6227890741″;
google_ad_width = 300;
google_ad_height = 250;
To insert the code in your post, switch to html and insert code into post. Customise code by replacing direction (.i.e. wrap text left or right) and choose adsense ad unit.
Make sure that the ad unit with the highest clickthrough rate is the first instance of the ad code that appears in your HTML source. Since the first ad unit is always filled before the rest, you want to make sure that ad unit is located in the best placement on your page.

Testing Google AdSense on your Website

If you are testing your new website layout, you might be reloading your website pages too often. And if these pages contain Google Ads, each time your reload your page, you make a request to Google Ads Server for a new set of ads.
Certainly Google is unaware that you are testing your website and it might even penalize your account for “click-fraud” since the IP requesting ads remains same. And if in the worst-case scenario, you might accidently click on your own ads. And these extra “ad impressions” will also change your CTR.
One simple way to avoid this serious problem is to remove the Adsense code altogether from your page before testing. But this may not be the best solution as your Google Ads are an important part of your layout. So here are a few simple but effective tips to avoid problems:
1. Instead of using Adsense code, add a static graphic (jpg image) with the same dimensions as your adsense code. (Google itself provides static images of various ad formats.).
2. Modify the value of google publisher ID to something like “pub-googleIamTesting”.
3. Add another line to Google Adsense code google_adtest = “on” (Don’t forget the semicolon).
4. Though there is no official comment, it is safer to remove the google_ad_channel variable.
If unsure, contact Google Adsense Team with your query. Google Adsense staff are very quick to respond.
Remember, Google AdSense policies require that websites displaying Google ads be active and fully developed and not under construction. When your site is complete and active, you may add the Adsense ad code.
Related posts:
  1. How To Monetize A Website With Adsense Once you have a website and you have some visitors...
  2. Strictly Adsense- Follow the Rules 1. Strictly follow the Terms of Service Google Adsense. You...                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                       

Google Adsense Tips and Tricks To Make Money Online

One of the most popular advertising programs on the Internet is Google’s Adsense. Almost any website you open today has those ‘Ads by Google’ placed at the left or right or bottom of the page. Sometimes they are even bang in the centre. Every time you click on such an ad, that webmaster is paid a small amount  by the advertiser, through Google’s AdSense. Every day millions of dollars are being paid out on AdSense clicks through billions of page views. This makes Google’s AdSense the most popular Pay per Click (PPC) program in the world today.
The payment per click can range from a few cents to even ten or twenty dollars. Niche content relevant to certain specialized keywords can pay very highly. But merely setting up a website with these high paying keywords and placing AdSense ads on it isn’t going to work. The site has to contain information that is valuable to the reader. Only then will it generate enough traffic and genuine ad clicks. If you click on your own ads or ask your friends to deliberately click to benefit you, AdSense admin will knock off the ads from your webpage faster than you can say ‘click fraud’!
So it is wise to set up a website or blog based on a subject you like, which is also commercially viable – there have to be some advertisers who would like to place their ads on your pages. Adsense bots will scan your webpages everyday and then place ads relevant to your content.
adsense money
You can grab a domain for cheap with Godaddy, find my earlier post about Godaddy and get any domain for only $6.99. Then all you would need is hosting, and you can get that with Webhostingpad, they are the cheapest online and provide the best service. I use them for only $1.99 per month! Following this instructions, you can set up a simple blog in three easy steps. Then read up on your subject and write original content. Make sure you mention the keywords relevant to your content. Then generate traffic to your website by emailing your blog link to your friends and ask them to pass it on. Place the link on your friends’ websites too and also take part in forums connected to your topic.
Use a traffic monitoring website like Sitemeter.com to check on how much page views and hits you get every day. Your AdSense account page will also tell you how many clicks have been made and how much you have earned. You can receive your payment by various methods as explained on your account page. AdSense also has good advice on how to place the ads for maximum profitability.
So get started with your blog or website and power it up with Google AdSense!

Adsense Tips and Tricks 2

With personal and commercial blogs, community websites, and social pages becoming the hot topic of the Internet in the last few years, many people have become more Internet-literate and are always looking for ways to make a few hundreds or even thousands from their websites.  This is when Google Adsense comes into play.  Google Adsense, unlike Affiliate Programs, is CPC (Pay-Per-Click) and the good thing about it, is you can still earn some bucks without making a sale. 
As with any other things in this world, it takes time, effort and dedication before you could earn some decent amount from Google Adsense.  And here are some of the tips and tricks to help you with your Google Adsense journey. 


1. Blend your ads to your website layout
This could be considered as one the most important things which is often overlooked.  Instead of using predefined colors provided by Google, try changing colors of your ads to match the website layout.  For example, if your website uses white background with green text, make sure you use the same colors for your ads. 
2. Do not display a border
While you can’t get rid of the border around your ad, you can make it invisible by changing the border color to that of the background.  Researches have shown that ads without a visible border generate much higher clicks than those with one. 
3. Do not place your ads in normal spots
Internet users have become accustomed to the normal ad spots (eg: a Leaderboard above your header, a Skyscrapper outside the content) and hence, any ads placed in those normal spots will often be ignored. 
4. Choose the right ad formats
There are a few ad formats which perform better than others.  Some of the recommended ad formats are Wide Skyscrapper, Medium Rectangle and Horizontal Ads Links.  However, these ad formats may not necessarily work for everyone, so choose the ones that work for you. 
5. Good layout design
Although a good layout design does not necessarily increase your Adsense revenue, it is important for the first impression and also for the professionalism.


5. "Content is the king"
The fact that Google Adsense is contextual advertising implies that the ads being generated are often relevant to the website content.  That simply means you will not get any relevant ads if the content does not focus on a certain topic or the content is not text based.  For example, if your page does not have any copy/text but an image, it’s unlikely to get relevant ads.
6. Pick a high paying topic
It took me a while to find out that some keywords are being paid more than others.  While Google does not tell you how much advertisers are paying for their keywords, it is pretty easy to guess.  For example, ads about credit cards, home loans and insurance are being paid more than those ads about free blogging tool, yellow pages, etc.   It is also recommended to pick a Niche topic and provide a narrow focus than to pick a general topic. 
7. Update your website frequently
Updating your website frequently enables you to get more visitors checking out your website which increases your page impression and the probability of ad clicks. 
8. Write quality content
Not everyone possesses a natural talent in writing, and I can say for sure that I don’t.  However, if you offer something useful, interesting, and put your heart into writing, your readers will enjoy what you have to say.  And they will be coming back for more. 


9. A good organizer is the winner
With Google Adsense, you can organize your ads and have a clear idea about their performance by using Channels.  This way, if a particular ad is not performing well, you could always replace it with a difference one.  There are quite a few things you could do with Channels and this is just one of them. 
10. Monitor your statistics
Checking both your website and Adsense statistics enables you to get better ideas about your audiences.  From your website statistics, you can find out which pages are being viewed the most, where most of your traffics come from, what the peak day of the week is, etc.  Similarly, Adsense statistics will tell you which ad formats are being clicked the most, how many page impressions you receive, how much you are making each day/week/month, etc.  You can then make improvements based on these figures to maximize the performance. 


11.  Link Building
No matter how good your website is and how relevant your Adsense ads are, without a decent amount of traffics, you will only be making a small amount of revenue, if any.  It is not easy to achieve a decent amount of traffics, but it is not impossible.  Some of the most common ways to gain traffics to your website include Link exchange, Directory listing, participating in online communities and making use of social bookmaking systems.    
12.  Search Engine Optimization
Search Engine Optimization (SEO) is one of the most successful and recommended methods of gaining traffics to your website and it is more than just a buzz word.  Optimizing your websites for search engines increases your website visibility and ranking, which in turn generates significant amounts of targeted and relevant traffics to your website.  Combined, search sites reach more than 130 million Americans or approximately 85 percent of all Internet users each month, ranking Search/Navigation among the most popular categories on the Web. (Source: comScore Media Metrix) 


13. A little maintenance goes a long way
Many people tend to overlook the maintenance part of the website.  In this case, rather than sticking to the same ad formats, or the same positioning of the ads, try experiment with different formats and positioning.  If they do not work, you could always revert the changes.  But if they do, that’s a bonus for you. 
14. Do not click on your own ads
Honesty is the best policy.  Be honest with yourself, and do not try to increase your Adsense revenue by clicking on your own ads.  Google is really strict when it comes to fraud clicking, and before you knew it, your account could be banned and you could be owing some money to the advertisers. 
15. When in doubt, ask
If you have some questions in mind, or are unclear about certain stuffs, don’t hesitate to ask the Google Adsense Help Team.  Before asking them, though, you could do them a favor by checking out their Frequently Asked Questions and Answers page.
I hope you will find the above tips and tricks useful in improving your website to increase your Adsense revenue.  While it is always good to earn some cash from your website, do not let it rule you or your website.  And remember that no money is easy money and it takes a considerable amount of time, effort and dedication before one could see a marked improvement in his Adsense revenue.

Adsense tips and tricks

Many webmasters have made very successful websites by using Google's Adsense and for some, it is now their sole job. When you are running a large site, a small change in the way that the Adsense code is placed on your site can make a substantial difference in your income.
The best way to find out where to place your Adsense banner, what colour and what type of banner to use is to try different combinations. Though it does not harm if you start out with the methods that another webmaster find good.

Never click your own Adsense Banner

If you can see the Adsense banner, it will work. Do not test if it, as Google is quite against this.

Never explicitly encourage Adsense Banner clicking

Do not ask friends or family to click your ads. Google not only dislikes it, but it can sometimes confuse the intelligence used to select advertisements.

Ad placement

The best location for the ads are within the content, but still visible without scrolling down the page.


Adsense banners perform better when the border and background are the same colour as your page.

Blend with navigation

As an alternative placement, Adsense ads do well if they are blended in and look like your normal site navigation.


The large 336x280 rectangle banner or 160x600 wide skyscraper seems to perform best.

Drawing the eye

Placing images next to ads or above ads helps in attracting user attention.

Ad overload

It is often said that more is less, and the same goes for placing ads on websites. If a website has too many ads, the user just ignores them and they all perform poorly. If a website has a few well placed ads, they can get a better click through.

Search Box

If you are going to use the search box, place it on the top right corner of every page. This is where people expect it to be.

Focus on content

Don't forget why users are visiting your site. They are there for the content and only the content. Why spend a week improving your Adsense click through then you can spend a week improving your site content and number of clicks as a result.

Be different

If your site is similar to many other sites, users will be used to ignoring your Adsense banner.

Moderate to low priced keywords

Do not create a site that targets the highest paying keywords as they often have the worst click through rates. Find a niche topic and don't care if your ads are getting $0.03 or $0.50. It all comes down to getting more traffic and a better click through rate, not more per click.


Make sure that your site is not cluttered and there is sections of your site with clear space. This can be achieved just by having a wide margin between page items. With skill, whitespace can be used to guide the users eyes to the Adsense banners.

One topic per page

If you have only one topic per page, it will help Adsense find the best ads to show

Simple design

Keep the design of your site simple. It will give the user less design elements or eye candy to look at.

No moving / blinking page elements

All moving and blinking pages elements attract the users eye and stop the user from seeing the Adsense ad. No matter how small it is, if it moves it will attract the users eye.

Monitor your website statistics

Watch your website statistics to see what pages are attracting the users and what is not. Create more pages similar to your high traffic pages.


Try many different styles and methods of placing your ads. Never settle on just one style until you are sure it is the best.

What to do next

Create more content. Content is the biggest key to create a site that earns good money with Adsense. 

How To Make Money With Adsense?

Making money with ad sense might be an elusive dream if some of the time-tested suggestions are not followed to the letter. Despite the numerous general rules that are published by Google, it is always necessary to use a common sense approach while intending to use any advertising media. If one is really serious with making money with Adsense there is a need to comply with the laid out Google directive that gives one the mandate to create websites for selling products and not just sites selling Google ads. In simple terms the content used is the ultimate king in the whole enterprise. One adsense secret that one needs to be aware of, is the fact that unless one has a website that is designed to give shock value, it would be difficult to read the red type fonts on a black blackboard. This simply means that there is a need to create a general layout and appearance that blends well with the theme of the web pages.
In order to be a savvy with Adsense, one needs to understand and follow the stipulated rules that are published using Adsense. This requires one to read carefully and understand what the process is all about to avoid wasting time creating a website with full violation of rules. One is for example not required to write stuff such as ‘Click here for my Adsense Revenue’ as this will ultimately turn off all the potential customers.
adsense secret revealed
The best adsense secrets that has stood the test of time is to concentrate on the content. The web pages should be rich in content that also includes keywords and synonyms that can fit with the subject and give a proper way of conveying the information. If the web pages happen to be those that one knows a great deal about, the content can then be composed individually. It is also necessary to ask for a professional on how to optimize on the content if one is not too certain about the format.
Biting more than one can chew is extremely dangerous in virtually all the aspects of life and Adsense is no exception. There are those people who run the risk of believing that making money with Adsense only means setting up a website and then placing a few ads and start earning megabucks in the next few minutes. One should avoid too much at the same time since this might make the entire enterprise a calamitous failure where one ends up doing less than what a satisfactory job would entail.
There are numerous tutorials that have been written about making money with Adsense and therefore it is quite necessary while still learning the ropes to understand all the nuts and bolts and also why one is doing this. After one has mastered the basics, tweaking things to the hearts contents can then come in handy whereby one can learn some other basics as well as adsense secrets.

Tricks To Earn Huge money from Adsense ads

Here are few adsense tricks that can help you increase you income without much investment.
Adsense Trick -1 : Check you Keyword density
Check the keyword density of your page, this will help you forecasting of ads that will be displaying on your pages. You can also adjust you pages to target particular type of ads.
Adsense Trick -2 : Update you page to target towards some ads
You can also update you page content to target some keywords.
Adsense Trick -3 : Build theme based content for better result
Make the pages of the related topic, you can use the keyword suggestion tools to achieve this.
Adsense Trick -4 : Increase you web site page count
You should write one or more pages per day to increase number of pages on you website. When you create more quality content you will start getting more visits to you web site and your income will keep on increasing.
Adsense Trick -5 : Use the best adsense ads format on your web site
Research on the ads format and then display the best ads on your pages.
Adsense Trick -6 : Use the right color combination for your ads
Use the ads color matching with your page theme.

Earn More with Adsense: Tips & Layout Optimization Tricks for High CTR

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Google Adsense is perhaps the easiest way to attract advertisers from across the globe to your blog. Just submit your blog or website to Google for approval and if their content team approves your content, you are ready to place contextual text ads on your websites. Every time a reader clicks an AdSense ad link, the AdWords advertiser pays Google a small fee and Google splits the revenue with you.

Now you know how to make money with Google Adsense but to help you improve AdSense performance (and advertising revenue), here are some of the best Google Adsense Tips and Tricks for making more money (profit) from the Google Adsense program.

About me: I have been using Google AdSense since 2004 and my technology blog was recently featured as an AdSense Case Study.

Update: Some of the AdSense tricks in the article are old so you may please check my latest article on AdSense Optimization Tips that includes a PowerPoint presentation as well.

Tips to Increase Google AdSense Earnings

a. Strictly follow the rules mentioned in Adsense policies. You will always earn more revenue from Adsense by playing it clean.

b. Never modify the Google Adsense HTML code. If have trouble embedding AdSense code in your WordPress or Blogger template, take help of the AdSense support forums or send an email to your AdSense account manager.

c. Never ask your friends or visitors to click on your Google ads. Google takes click fraud very seriously. Do not include incentives of any kind on your site for users to click on your ads. Don't label Google ads with text other than "sponsored links" or "advertisements.".

d. Don't click on your own ads - Google is much smarter than you think and can discover invalid clicks through IP addresses, site navigation patterns, etc. If you working on a new design for your site, avoid reloading your pages (with AdSense) excessively. You can turn off AdSense temporarily and avoid invalid CPM impressions. Or you can use the unofficial Google Adsense Sandbox Tool that is accessible from Firefox, IE and other browsers to see what kind of Google ads will be served based on content (website address URL) or keywords.

e. Don't place ads in pop-up windows, error pages or even empty pages. Update: With the new AdSense policy change, you can probably place ads on 404 pages. Check with the AdSense support team.

f. Don't start a "adsense asbestos" or "home equity loan rates" website merely to make money from accidental clicks. You will never make money out these Made for Adsense websites. Instead, write on topics what you are passionate about. Don't waste your money on high-paying adsense keywords lists. Stay away from AdSense Adwords arbitrage.

g. For short articles, CTR is best when ads are placed just above the content.

h. For long articles, CTR will improve if you place ads somewhere in middle of the content or just where the article ends - when visitors are done reading the article, they may be looking for related resources.

i. Use Text Ads instead of Image Ads as users get more options and the payout is often higher. If you still want to display image ads (for CPM), consider ad formats like the 300x250 medium rectangle or the 160x600 wide skyscraper as they support also support rich multimedia and the new gadget ads.

j. Google Ads with no background color and no borders will always perform better. Make the border color and background color same as your page background color.

k. Always put ads above the main fold. Make sure that the ad unit with the highest clickthrough rate is the first instance of the ad code that appears in your HTML source. Since the first ad unit is always filled before the rest, you want to make sure that ad unit is located in the best placement on your page.

l. Try setting the ad link URL color to a lighter shade. If your text is black, you may make the adlink as light gray or something like #666.

m. Go Wide - The large rectangle (336x280) is the best paying Adsense format especially for text ads. Try using the 336x280 large rectangle, 300x250 medium rectangle, or 160x600 wide skyscraper.

n. Don't places images next to Google ads as that will invite a permanent ban to your AdSense account.

o. Blend AdLinks with other navigation links or place horizontal adlinks at the top of your webpage. AdSense publishers are permitted to click on link unit topics on their web pages, provided that they do not click on any Google ads on the resulting page.

p. You should try adding a unit near the comments senction of your blog. See more AdSense tweaks.

q. You can put upto 3 adsense units on a page. Try putting a large skyscraper on the right navigation sidebar of your website. That area is close to the browser scrollbar. You can also add 2 AdSense for search boxes and 3 adlink units.

r. The first few lines of your content are an important factor for determining what Ads are served on your webpage. That's the right place to put keywords in bold (strong or &ltb> tags) or header tags (h1, h2, etc).

s. Always select the setting to open Google Adsense search box results in a new browser window, so you won't lose your visitors. Click the Open search results in a new browser window checkbox and this add target="google_window" to your form tag.

t. Maximum people think the search box is on the top right corner. So you know where to put it.

u. Always syndicate full text RSS feeds and then monetize your feeds with a 468x60 ad in RSS feeds.

v. Monitor the AdSense performance of individual web pages with Google Analytics

w. For low CTR pages, try changing titles or adding more relevant content to get better focused ads. Alse see: Get relevant Google Ads

x. Block low paying advertisers with Filters. Why to loose a visitor for an ad that will only pay you a cent. Use Overture or Google Adwords Keywords tool to discover keywords that are less popular with advertisers.

y. Learn how to implement AdSense Revenue sharing if you run a site with multiple authors and need to pay your writers based on advertising revenue generated from their articles.

z. Experiment with color schemes and layouts using split testing. You are the best judge when it comes to choosing ad formats for your own website.

Even Google doesn't offer the best advise always. For instance, in the visual heat map, Google suggests that webmasters are best served by positioning ads on the upper left-hand side of a Web page but if you go to any search page on Google, the ads the mostly in the right.

Bonus Tip: Use the AdSense Preview tool to determine what ad campaigns are currently targeted for your site in different geographic regions of the world.

Enter any keywords or a website address (URL) and choose a geographic location of the visitors to see all the related related Google Ads.

15 Great Google AdSense tips to earn money

Google AdSense Tip #1: Find your keywords
Before serving ads on a web page, check its keyword density. A free and advanced tool for finding the most prominent keywords in a page can be found here: SEO Density Analyzer. Copy the most important keywords to a text file ([web page name]-Google AdSense-keywords.txt).

Google AdSense Tip #2: Improve your keywords
Get keyword suggestions from Overture Search Inventory and from Google AdWords Sandbox. Get new keywords that can help you improve your ad relevance. Enter the keywords from [web page name]-Google AdSense-keywords.txt and save the suggestions to [web page name]-Google AdSense-suggestions.txt.

Google AdSense Tip #3: Keep your website focused on a themeUse the keyword suggestions to enhance your web pages and to build theme-based content. And also try to get your keywords into the anchor text of your incoming links as much as possible. Don't forget that Google Google AdSense is keyword-targeted advertising: Google Google AdSense bases its advert topics on your websites content, this means that content-rich websites of a popular topic should attract a large amount of ads.

Google AdSense Tip #4: Write a new page every day
One of the best tips is to add a new page to your web site every day. The more content you have, the more visitors you will get. Put an Google AdSense unit on each and every content page of your site. But where? You will find more about that from the next Google AdSense tips.

Google AdSense Tip #5: Choose the right Google AdSense format
Wider formats are successful because the ads are compact, easy to read and are complementary to the content. The top three Google AdSense formats are:

336x280 large rectangle

300x250 medium rectangle

160x600 wide skyscraper

Another successful format is the 468x15 horizontal ad links, that can be placed under your navigation bar.

Google AdSense Tip #6: Color tips
When creating your Google Google AdSense ads it is recommended to use the color scheme and style of your website so that the ads blend in well. Ads without background color and borders perfom better than ads within borders with background color.

Create a custom Google AdSense palette:

border color = background color of your web site

background color = background color of your web site

link color = blue, color of your links

url color = black, #999999

text color = black, #333333, color of your main content

You can also rotate your color palette: select multiple color palettes that blend with your site to create variety.

Google AdSense Tip #7: Position tips
Visitors tend to look at the big headlines to see if your page is worth reading. If you get them interested, they will read the text and look for your navigation links.

Place the Google AdSense ads in a prominent place around the top/left part of your page or under your headlines, where your visitors are most likely to look at.

If you have an article page with a long body of text, the bottom of that article is a good place for Google AdSense ads because your visitors read the text and then they want more resources.

Google AdSense Tip #8: Increase the number of ads
If you have a lot of text on a page, use multiple Google AdSense units. You can use up to three Google AdSense units on a page, two Google AdSense search boxes and one unit of ad links.

Link units allow the user to refine what they're interested in. So if they may not be interested in specific ads on your page, they might be interested in a particular topic, and by clicking on a link unit and a link in the link unit, they'll be able to specify that they're interested in that specific topic and get a lot more options and variety on the ads that might appear.

Google AdSense for Search allows visitors to search Google.com or your sites (up to 3 domains). You earn money whenever they click on the ads that come up on the search results. If you click the Open search results in a new browser window checkbox in the Google AdSense for Search settings, you won't lose your

Google AdSense Tip #9: Preview Google ads
You can find out what ads will be served by Google Google AdSense if you install Google Google AdSense Preview Tool, a very simple tool available only for Internet Explorer 6.0. Click to advertiser sites without generating invalid clicks, and easily add their URLs to your URL filter list. Because Google AdSense uses geo-targeting, Google serves different ads for other countries. Instead of faking your IP or travelling abroad to test your ads, use this Google AdSense tool to see what ads see your visitors from France, Germany or other countries.

It's possible there are no Google Google AdSense adverts available for your webpage. Hide Public Service Ads, using alternate colors or images. Make sure you include the image in a simple html file as a link (use target="_top"). The image size should be the same as the dimension of Google AdSense units. In the alternate url box, enter the absolute url of the html file.

Read more about alternate ads.

Google AdSense Tip #10: What not to do
Don't click your own ads

Don't ask others to click on your Google ads

Don't manually change Google AdSense code

Don't place Google ads on sites that include prohibited content (e.g.: adult sites)

Don't employ cloaking, hidden text or farm links

Don't use Google AdSense ads on the same page with similar ads (e.g.: Yahoo Publisher Network)

Google AdSense Tip #11: Show images above or next to your ads
Placing images above Google AdSense ads is not necessarily prohibited by program policies. However, depending on the method of implementation this could be considered encouraging users to click on ads. So you should include a border line between the ads and the images. Don't show specific products in your images, in order not to mislead the visitors. Just use generic images that will increase the visibility of your ads.

Google AdSense Tip #12: Use section targeting
Use section targeting to emphasize some content in your page. On your site, place this code where you want to emphasize.

Content you want to emphasize.

If you want some content to be ignored, use

Google AdSense Tip #13: Alternate the colors of your ads
Google AdSense allows you to have up to 4 color variations for each variable for which you can specify color. You should do that if you put Google AdSense ads on pages that receive many impressions from the same visitors (for example forums) to reduce ad blindness. For example:

google_color_border = ["628098","628098","000000","000000"];

google_color_link = ["000000","BBB90C","BBB90C","628098"];

google_color_url = ["000000","628098","000000","000000"];

google_color_text = ["628098","628098","000000","000000"];

Great for overcoming ad blindness.

Google AdSense Tip #14: Your Google ads should be visibleMake sure your text ads are visible to the surfers in all screen formats. If you put the ads in a table give sufficient breathing room, i.e. proper cell padding and cell spacing to make the ads stand out from the rest of your content.

Google AdSense Tip #15: Use Google AdSense channels
You can categorize the content of your website into channels and then track your performance. This way you can experiment with different types of ads and see which is performing the best. Instead of buying an Google AdSense tracker, you can enter the most important pages in your site and see how they are doing. Create up to 200 channels for Google AdSense.

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